Homy Cheesecake
4 cups of home-made farmer cheese, 1 cup sugar, 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, 1/2 teaspoon of salt, 4 eggs.
Preheat oven to 350F. To prepare batter for chessecake, place all ingridients except eggs in a bowl and beat with a mixer ar medium speed 2 minutes. Add eggs, 1 at a time. Preprare round 10-inch springform coating with cooking spray and some bread crumbs. Pour batter into form and bake 1-hour. Cool slightly, remove from the form. Garnish with powdered sugar and fruits.
How to make home-made farmer cheese.
Домашняя творожная запеканка
4 чашки домашнего творога, 1 чашка сахара, 1 чайная ложка натертой шкурки лимона, 1 чайная ложка ванильного экстракта, 1/2 чайной ложки соли, 4 яйца.
Нагреть духовку до 350Ф. Взбить миксером вместе творог, сахар, лимон, ваниль и соль. Добавить по-одному яйца, продолжая взбивать. Приготовить круглую форму (teflon), побрызгав непригорающей аэрозолью и посыпав панировочными сухарями. Печь в течении 1 часа. Вынуть из духовки и охладить запеканку. Вынуть из формы. Подавать посыпанной сахарной пудрой с фруктами.
I make this sort of cake all the time...
Re: zucchini pancakes...Those look good. I remember my grandmother simply dusting zucchini slices in flour and lightly frying them. A good summer food (and one of the few zucchini recipes in Russia cooking).
I liked the introduction of the website. I left 22 years ago and hurdly cook what I used to eat when I was little in former Soviet Union... But today I was looking for the sirniki recept and found this website among many others. This one brought tears in my eyes. Thank you, I will definatly try some of the recipes.
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