Оriginal recipe was published before Yom Kippur on CBS radio Canada website and brought me to the idea of similar recipe for duck.
Marinade: 1.5 cup red wine, 4 tablespoons honey, 1 teaspoon coriander, 3/4 cup prunes, 2-3 tablespoons of capers drained, 1 cup black olives, 2 bay leaves.
Rinse duck and place in a bowl. In a small bowl mix all ingridients for marinade. Pour over duck, cover and marinate 4 hours in the refrigerator, turining occasionally.
Apples: 4 medium size apples (quatered).
Preheat oven to 375F. Place a duck into deep baking dish and pour marinade over. Place apples around. Bake about 1 hour. Serve duck with a little pan juice poured on top.
Утка в вине.
Маринад: 1.5 чашки красного вина, 4 столовых ложки меда, 1 чайная ложка молотого кориандра, 3/4 чашки чернослива, 2-3 столовых ложки capers, 1 чашка черных оливок, 2 лавровых листа.
Помыть утку и положить в глубокую миску. В маленькой посуде смешать все продукты, необходимые для маринада. Залить утку маринадом. Поставить на 4 часа в холодильник мариноваться. Каждые 1/2 часа поворачивать.
4 средних яблока помыть и разрезать на четвертинки.
Нагреть духовку до 375Ф. Положить утку в глобокую дечку и залить маринадом. По бокам положить яблоки и запечь в духовке в течении 1 часа. Подавать утку, полив маринадом.
Fragrant Chicken With Figs (original recipe from CBS radio Canada)
One l.5 to 2 kg (3 1/2-to 4-lb) chicken, whole or cut into pieces
12 dried figs, 375 ml (1 1/2 cups) muscatel wine (see note), 50 ml (4 tbsp) honey, 5 ml (1 tsp) ground cinnamon, 5 ml (1 tsp) ground coriander, 5 ml (1 tsp) salt or to taste, 2 ml ( 1/2 tsp) pepper, 2 bay leaves
Rinse the chicken and place in a bowl. Pour boiling water over to cover and let stand for a 2 to 3 minutes. Using a sharp knife, scrape the skin to remove excess surface fat. Pat dry and set aside. Rinse the figs and snip off the tops with scissors. Place chicken and figs in a single layer in a large roasting pan.
In a small bowl, mix wine, honey, cinnamon, coriander, salt and pepper and bay leaves and pour over chicken. Cover and marinate for 1 to 4 hours in the refrigerator, turning occasionally.
Preheat oven to 190 C (375 F.) Roast chicken, basting and turning occasionally, until it is tender and brown, about 1 hour. Serve chicken and figs with a little pan juice poured on top. (May be prepared several hours in advance and reheated in the oven. Leftovers may be reheated the next day in the microwave).
Makes 6 servings.
Note: Muscatel wine is the rich, sweet dessert wine made from muscat grapes, and having some of their musky flavour.
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