Molasses bundt cake with bourbon glaze
Cake: A) Nonstick vegetable oil spray, 3 1/4 cups cake flour, 2 teaspoons baking powder, 3/4 teaspoon salt, 2 cups sugar, 1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter, room temperature, 4 teaspoons vanilla extract, 4 large eggs, 1 cup whole milk
B) 1 cup pecans, toasted, finely chopped, 1/4 cup dark corn syrup, 1/4 cup mild-flavored (light) molasses, 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
Glaze: 2 teaspoons water, 1 teaspoon baking soda, 2 cups sugar, 1 cup buttermilk, 1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter, 2 teaspoons dark corn syrup, 1/2 cup bourbon, 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
Vanilla ice cream
For cake: Preheat oven to 350°F. Spray 10-inch-diameter Bundt pan with nonstick spray; dust with flour. Sift 3 1/4 cups flour, baking powder, and salt into medium bowl. Using electric mixer, beat sugar, butter, and 2 teaspoons vanilla in large bowl until fluffy. Beat in eggs 1 at a time. Beat in flour mixture in 3 additions, alternating with milk in 2 additions. Transfer half of batter to prepared pan.
Stir pecans, corn syrup, molasses, and 2 teaspoons vanilla in another medium bowl to blend. Stir in baking soda. Stir pecan mixture into remaining cake batter in bowl. Spoon pecan batter over batter in pan (do not swirl). Bake until tester inserted near center of cake comes out with dry crumbs attached, about 50 minutes. Transfer cake in pan to rack.
Meanwhile, prepare glaze: Stir 2 teaspoons water and baking soda in small bowl to dissolve baking soda. Bring sugar, buttermilk, butter, and corn syrup to boil in heavy 6-quart saucepan over high heat, stirring to dissolve sugar and melt butter. Reduce heat to medium-high. Stir in baking soda mixture (glaze will bubble). Boil until sauce is golden and slightly thickened, stirring often, about 8 minutes. Remove from heat. Stir in bourbon and vanilla.
Invert warm cake onto platter. Immediately brush 1 1/2 cups hot glaze over cake, allowing glaze to soak into cake. Cool cake completely. (Can be made 1 day ahead. Cover and let stand at room temperature. Cover and refrigerate remaining glaze.)
Rewarm remaining glaze, stirring. Serve cake with ice cream and warm glaze.

Немецкий бисквит с мелассой и очень алкогольной глазурью.
В Европе многие ничего не знают о мелассе. Для тех, кто не знаком с этим продуктом, прошу почитатать на сайте
Для бисквита: А) 3 1/4 чашки муки, 2 чайной лоски разрыхлителя, 3/4 чайной ложки соли, 2 чашки сахара, 1 чашка (200 грамм) сливочного масла комнатной температуры, 4 чайной ложки ванильного экстракта, 4 яйца, 1 чашка молока.
Б) 1 чашка мелко порезанных орехов пекан (можно заменить на обыкновенные грецкие орехи), 1/4 чашки кукурузного сиропа (можно заменить медом), 1/4 чашки мелассы, 1/2 чайной ложки питьевой соды.
Глазурь: 2 чайных ложки воды, 1 чайная ложка соды, 2 чашки сахара, 1 чашка кефира, 1 чашка сливочного масла, 2 столовые ложки кукурузного сиропа, 1/2 чашки виски "bourbon"
Нагреть духовку до 350Ф. Приготовить специальную формочку для выпечку немецких бисквитов: Бандт (Bundt pan). История создания этой формочки связана с историей еврейской общины в Германии и Америки.
Смешать муку, разрыхлитель и соль в небольшой посуде. Миксером взбить сахар, масло, ванильный экстракт, вбить по одному яйцу, постепенно добавляя молоко. Последним добавить мучную смесь.
Смешать орехи, кукурузный сироп, мелассу, ванильный экстракт в отдельной посуде. добавить соду. Выложить половину теста (тесто блинной консистенции) в формочку для выпечки, во вторую половину добавить ореховую смесь и вылить в формочку. Поставить в духовку и печь до полной готовности (50 минут) Вынуть из духовки и вынуть из формы.
Пока печется бисквит, приготовить глазурь. Смешать 2 чайные ложки воды с содой и дать раствориться. В отдельной посуде смешать сахар, кефор, масло, кукурузный сироп. Поставить смесь на огонь и дать закипеть. Уменьшить огонь, влить соду и дать покипеть 8-10 минут. Снять с огня и добавить виски.
Отделить 1 1/2 чашки глазури и кулинарной кисточкой нанести на поверхность бисквита. Дать бисквиту остыть полностью. Бисквить может сохранятся при комнатной температуре. Остаток глазури поставить в холодильник. Перед подачей на стол согреть глазурь и подать с бисквитом.
Recipe from Bon Appetit, march 2003
H. David Dalquist created baking pan as Hadassah fundraiser (New York - January 5, 2005) -
With the holiday season barely over and all those calories from all those baked goods already firmly attached to America’s hips, the passing, announced today, of the inventor of the Bundt pan, H. David Dalquist, will give pause to bakers and dieters everywhere. But how many know that the Bundt pan was invented in response to a request by the members of the Minneapolis Chapter of Hadassah? In 1950, when home baked goods were still a staple of every American household, and baking lessons a featured highlight of Hadassah meetings, the Minneapolis chapter tried to recreate the heavy cakes that their mothers used to make in their native Europe. Unable to find the right pan, one member took a relic from her mother’s German kitchen to H. David Dalquist, chairman, owner and founder of Northland Aluminum, and asked him to recreate the pan in modern material. The result was a success, and for years Dalquist gave the Hadassah chapter his seconds, which they turned around and sold to raise funds for Hadassah’s projects in Israel, which today include two major hospitals, a college, a career counseling center, and numerous youth programs. "Who could have imagined that a simple aluminum cake pan, invented more than a half century ago, could have become a fundraising vehicle for an organization that today boasts more than 300,000 members across the country?" said June Walker, National President of Hadassah, the Women’s Zionist Organization of America. "With that homey little baking pan, Hadassah women built the most advanced medical center in the Middle East, the Hadassah Medical Center at Ein Kerem. We thank David Dalquist for his contribution!" In the 1960s, the Bundt pan really became a hit when a Texas woman used it to place second in the Pillsbury bake-off. Today, thanks to Hadassah, there is probably not a home in America without a Bundt pan.
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