August 21, 2014

Favorite Cookbooks

Many of you want to know how I learn, where I'm getting the recipes for my blog, and how I enhance my menu. Ok, it's not easy, but quite challenging process. As many of you know, I came from former Soviet Union, where I lived in quite, compare to America, small city of Zhitomir.

I brought a lot of recipes with me, and I learn in America all the time. It's not just words, it's THE actions. I already have favorite chefs, cuisines and, of course, cookbooks. I'm learning from great chefs by making their recipes and their favorite cookbooks. I'm buying their books, follow their blogs, sites and other social media presentations.

Today, I would like to present quite interesting site, which gives me a lot of good information. I hope, each of you will become a fan of such site, where we can find the excellent source of information about the latest and the greatest people and ideas in cooking.

For some of you, this site is familiar, for other- it will be first and the most important step, and first one must be a right one. So, I present one of the best bakers Dorie Greenspan. It's not just a name, it's how she became the greatest one. Please, read and learn!

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