December 28, 2008
Happy New Year!
December 24, 2008
December 03, 2008
Wild rice pancakes

Wild rice pancakes
1/2 cup milk, 1/3 cup cornmeal, 1/3 cup all-purpose flour, 1/4 cup butter, melted, 1-1/2 cups cooked wild rice, drained and cooled, 2 egg yolks, 1/2 tsp. kosher salt, 1/2tsp. ground black pepper, 2 egg whites Clarified butter or canola oil
1/2 cup creme fraiche or dairy sour cream
In a large bowl whisk together milk, cornmeal, flour, and melted butter. Stir in wild rice. Lightly beat egg yolks with a fork and stir into wild rice mixture. Stir in salt, pepper, and parsley. In a small mixing bowl beat egg whites with an electric mixer on medium to high speed until stiff peaks form (tips stand straight); fold egg whites into rice mixture.
Heat a nonstick skillet or griddle over medium heat. Add a little clarified butter. Ladle about 1/4 cup of batter onto heated surface and cook about 1 minute or until bubbles appear uniformly on upper side and bottom is browned. Turn pancake over and cook about 1 minute more or until bottom is browned. Transfer to a baking sheet and place in a warm oven while cooking remaining pancakes.
Place pancakes on a serving platter. Top each with a little creme fraiche. Makes 10 servings.
Make-Ahead Tip: Pancakes may be prepared ahead and refrigerated several hours or overnight. Warm on a cookie sheet in a 300 degree F oven for 10 minutes.
Recipe from Better Homes and Gardens
November 26, 2008
A bagel is a round bread

The Jewish bagel’s probably birthplace is Poland. The first known reference to the bagel among Jews in Poland, Ms. Balinska writes, precedes the battle of Vienna by seven decades. It is found, she says, in regulations issued in Yiddish in 1610 by the Jewish Council of Krakow outlining how much Jewish households were permitted to spend in celebrating the circumcision of a baby boy – “to avoid making gentile neighbors envious, and also to make sure poorer Jews weren’t living above their means.” The origin of the word “bagel” is ultimately unclear, but many experts agree, she says, that it comes from the Yiddish beigen, to bend.
Read more about bagels and bagel's recipes
November 24, 2008
Real Fresh Pumpkin Bread

Real Fresh Pumpkin Bread
Serves: 1 loaf
2 cups all-purpose flour, 2 teaspoons cinnamon, 1 teaspoon baking soda, 1/4 teaspoon baking powder, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1 1/2 cups sugar, 3/4 cup vegetable oil, 3 large eggs, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, 3 cups shredded fresh pumpkin.
Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F.
Sift the flour, cinnamon, baking soda, baking powder, and salt together.
In a separate bowl, mix the sugar, vegetable oil, eggs, and vanilla. Combine both mixtures and fold in the shredded pumpkin and pumpkin seeds. Once the ingredients are all incorporated pour into a non- stick 9 by 5 by 3-inch loaf pan. If your pan is not non- stick coat it with butter and flour.
Bake for 1 hour and 15 minutes. At this point a knife inserted into the middle of the loaf should come out clean. Cool for 15 minutes and turn out onto a cooling rack. Cool completely. For muffins temperature should also be 325 degrees F., but bake for 30 minutes.
Recipe from Alton Brown on Food Network

2 чашки муки, 2 чайные ложки молотой корицы, 1 чайная ложка соды, 1/4 чайной ложки разрыхлителя, 1 1/2 чашки сахара, 3/4 чашки растительного масла, 3 яйца, 1 чайная ложка ванильного экстракта, 3 чашки мелко натертой свежей тыквы.
Нагреть духовку до 325 Ф.
Смешать муку, корицу, соду, разрыхлитель и соль. Все перемешать. В отдельной посуде смешать сахар, растительное масло, яйца, ванильный экстракт. Положить очищенную тыкву к кухонный комбайн и провернить до образования мелкой крупки. Добавить тыкву из комбайна к яйцам. Смешать ВСЕ ингридиенты и хорошо перемешать. Приготовить формочку для выпечки кексов "light bread" Вылить тесто и поставить в нагретую духовку на 1 час 15 минут. Печь до готовности, вынуть и оставить осывать в течении 10 минут. Вынуть из формочки и дать полностью остынуть.

Прекрасно сочетается со сливочным кремом Philadelphia.
For those, who like YEASTED pumpkin bread, I would like to refer to the site Happy Home Baking
November 22, 2008
The world's greatest baking tips

All baking has huge costs you can't escape: fuel to heat the oven, all the time you dedicate, and ingredients that aren't so affordable any more. So I delved into my address book and spoke to some of the great talents out there to see what they advise, and the response was huge; especially from those baker / writers in the US who for years have encouraged people to tackle challenging recipes rather than hide from any complexity and just passively consume. So here are their top baking tips from around the world just for you.
United States
1. From the US I turned to Shirley O Corriher, the scientist turned kitchen sleuth I most admire, and her new book Bakewise is honestly the only one I've waited patiently for. For Corriher, getting cakes and cookies to last that bit longer helps when you have to stretch the budget, and she told me how science helps. "Just substitute an equal measure of vegetable oil for a third of the butter in your cake or muffin recipe and this helps to keep them moist. The reason: oil greases the flour proteins better than butter and prevents gluten forming, so leaving more water in the batter." Brilliant, and it saves money on butter too.
2. It's cool to be accurate. Though baking appears all bish-bash-bosh, the key to achieving those extraordinary loaves is all in the detail. Jim Lahey, the king of New York bakers at the Sullivan Street Bakery, says: "Measure precisely. This will avoid unnecessary mistakes and bad food. Don't open your oven door while you're goods are cooking. If you have leftover ends of bread, try to convert them into another dish. In these new lean times it's better that we waste nothing."
3. Rose Levy Beranbaum at, the top baking author in the US with The Cake Bible and blog advice pioneer suggested making life easier for others is the kindest thing to offer. "When you give home baked cakes include the baking tin and recipe. Ideally, cakes should be long-keeping ones, especially ones with a liqueur or lemon syrup. Cool the cake completely. Wash and dry the pan in which it was baked and coat the interior lightly with sunflower oil or non-stick spray. Return the cake to the pan, wrap it tightly with clear plastic film then finally cover it with beautiful gift paper."
4. The über chic Dorie Greenspan, author of Baking: From My Home to Yours goes for boldness at Christmas. "Bake big, it saves both time and money. My best go-to sweet is what we call a Bundt cake, a kind butter cake. It's quick to make and beautiful as the shape of the pan does all the decorating for you; and if it's cut in thin slices – what most people want – you can stretch a Bundt to serve 16 or more."
5. Before you launch into baking breads or cakes after googling for a recipe, it's essential to check if it's from a good reliable source. This doesn't mean they have to be famous, but check for site reviews, comments and helpful pictures. Sarah Phillips at, home to some of the best baking know-how on the net says, "Be really careful with some of the recipes online from unnamed sources simply because most of them do not work. Rely on experts, it will save you money."
6. Like exquisite couture, the most impressive baking usually has good taste and simplicity at its heart. David Lebovitz, the savvy American in Paris who writes about chocolate, ice-cream and life's other essentials, reminded me of that one important piece of advice. "Keep it simple. Not only will you use fewer ingredients, but it'll be less work. A great spice cake with a scoop of ice cream is just as appealing as a multi-layered extravaganza. To jazz it up, add a drizzle of caramel sauce." Just keep it simple.
7. Sometimes you can spend to save, especially if you have room in your cupboards to store ingredients. Matt Lewis and Renato Poliafito from Baked NYC in Brooklyn, authors of Baked: New Frontiers in Baking and the handsomest purveyors of sweet love in New York told me, "Buy a good quality chocolate in bulk form, rather than expensive 100g bars, and just break it up yourself. Also, avoid recipes that need expensive ingredients and make more use of caramel: an easy combo of sugar, water and cream."
8. "My advice would be much more about charity at in this difficult time," says Jeffrey Hamelman, who's book Bread: A Baker's Book of Techniques and Recipes really is the bible for serious breadheads worldwide. "Rather than bake less this Christmas season, bake just a little more than you think you need. Surely a neighbour or local food charity would be delighted with the unexpected gift."
9. Bread can be a beautiful gift too. I asked Peter Reinhart, the best-selling bread expert and author of Whole Grain Breads: New Techniques, Extraordinary Flavour. "Sweet fruit breads like German stollen or the Greek Christosomos make wonderful, relatively inexpensive gifts. And, most importantly, they are always appreciated as a gift from the heart, and symbolize the nativity of Christ and the gifts of the Magi." Certainly, it shows more thought than a plastic something.
10. For Yotam Ottolenghi, a little creativity with flavours can make the most of the most unlikely ingredients. "Take plum pudding, you can crumble it into a simple biscotti mixture instead of using dried fruit and it gives a very rich, gently spiced accent to the biscuit. Same with leftover fruit mince, fold it though vanilla or yoghurt ice-cream and the combination works really well."
11. "I'll be making lots of mini cheese scones for the freezer, so handy at Christmas", said Gerhard Jenne, the baker patron from Konditor and Cook. "Then if you have people calling by you can rustle up snacks with a little smoked salmon, or if you make herb ones you can serve them with small cups of hot soup. Even if you don't make your own soup it's nice to add you own little touch."
12. For John Rolfe, the founder of Jamie Oliver's Flour Station bakery and now baking bread at the home of the best sourdough pizza in London, Franco Manca the secret is to soft moist crumb is simple. "Put some cooked mashed potato in your bread dough, it's the quickest way to add moistness and softness to the crumb and it's literally as cheap as chips. Or if you have leftover chestnut puree that works really well too. Surprisingly, it wont turn you bread heavy and you can still get a great crisp crust."
13. Flour holds the spirit of the bread you bake, but it's odd how we then expect miracles from the cheapest we can find. Robert Winters at the Tapa Bakery in Glasgow, the home of great sourdough in Scotland, says the best tip starts with the flour you use. "Don't worry about saving money of the flour you buy, because even at it's most expensive its still good value. Find a stoneground flour, preferably wholemeal wheat or rye, and add that to your dough. You'll gain so much flavour that way."
14. For the respected Scots food historian Catherine Brown, now is the time to stir up a few forgotten traditions and reawaken the practice of simple hard biscuits like oatcakes. "If they're made well and given a good firing, oatcakes taste perfect on their own. I go a bit mad and make maybe a 100 at a time - cut into big triangles - as this makes best use of the oven. This way you've got them all winter, and you can have them with soup or crowdie."
15. Keep a look out during the year for interesting decorative boxes to pack gifts into, and then squirrel them away in a cupboard. Rachel Allen, the new star of Market Kitchen and author of Bake told me that a little planning is all that's needed to turn a simple recipe into a beautiful gift. "Keep a look out when you travel, then make a recipe that suits the style of the container. I picked up some beautiful decorative tins from a shop in Paris, and I'm going to make some delicate butter biscuits to go inside them. This is the just the kind of present I'd love to receive at Christmas."
16. When it comes to good bread, don't think quick; instead encourage a slow undisturbed rise for the dough - forget about airing cupboards and hot water bottles. Arguably the finest artisan baker in the world, Eric Kayser told me that there really is one piece of advice any aspiring baker must to repeat to themselves over and over. "Time and rest are all that the dough needs to rise and become good bread. Keep the yeast to a minimum and do other things while the flavour and texture mature."
17. "As we say in French: en cuisine on ne jette rien (in the kitchen, we don't throw anything away)," says Pascale Weeks, author of Cadeaux Gourmands, and the blogger at who suggests making the best use of your freezer. "When I make pastry, I always line tartlets cases with the leftovers, which I then freeze. When I'm alone for lunch I can then bake a small quiche for myself. When I use yolks for petits pots de crème au chocolat for example, I freeze the whites. I can use them after to make financiers, petits moelleux aux chocolat or amaretti."
18. Most cookie dough can be chilled in logs and kept in the fridge, which means that you can simply slice and bake what you need. Clotilde Dusoulier from says that tradition doesn't have to be sacrificed to make life a little easier this way. "When I was little, we would make cut-out Christmas cookies, but when I'm pressed for time I use the same recipe and use the slice-and-bake method. I roll the edges in unrefined cane sugar for a festive effect, and nobody's ever complained."
19. For Fanny Zanotti in the Côte d'Azur, the talent behind the beautiful idea-packed the stark realties of baking needn't stop you if you're careful. "Baking can turn into an expensive hobby, especially if you're anything like me: super-conscious about the ingredients' quality. To keep costs on the lower side, my best advice is to stay seasonal. Autumn and winter can seem a little sparse when it comes to harvests but … consider it a challenge and make your best to tingle your imagination." Think apples, pears, quinces, and dress them up with jams and a little brandy.
20. Getting more done with less seems daunting, but sometimes a little planning helps. "One ingredient, one oven, two recipes", says baking blogger Sandra Avital.
"Try making a couple of different kinds of cookies: one using only egg yolks, the second using only whites then bake both the same day, in the same hour, even at the same time to make the best use of the oven." This cuts fuel costs and probably saves time too.
Australia and New Zealand
21. Donna Hay advises every harassed cooks to go-easy after the Christmas dinner, lighter on the stomach and more likely to leave everyone with a sweet memory. "My version of a bread and butter pudding has a festive spin but it's easier to cook than Christmas cake or pudding, uses less ingredients and takes less time to put together, saving you effort, money and time." says Donna. "Just use good-quality brioche soaked in brandy-spiked custard, sprinkle it with brandy-soaked muscatels and top it with demerara sugar to form a crunchy crust. It's a winner in my house!"
22. The great daddy of artisan baking in Australia is John Downes, the guy who started the sourdough movement down-under during the 70s. His Natural Tucker Bread Book (1983) was the prescient handbook for hardcore bakers and is still relevant today. John tells me "if you've been saying all year, 'gee, I'd love to try making a sourdough but I don't have the time' then Christmas is perfect," says John, "because you're in the house, warm but not too hot, around to nurture it through those delicate first steps.
23. For Dean Brettschnieder, the NZ artisan baker and author of The Global Baker, the best advice is more of an idea for life rather than a baking tip. "This year I'm in Shanghai for Christmas. What I'm going to do is make a batch of butter shortbread flavoured with dried cranberries and orange zest, and plan to wrap these as beautifully as I can and give them to the people in my life here who might otherwise have been incidental but, if I'm really honest, have helped me enormously through the last year."
24. The best way to give your creativity the support it needs is to get organised. Rather than restricting your style, it will give you the freedom to express yourself. Elizabeth Baird, author of The Complete Canadian Living Baking Book and food editor of the magazine reminded me that, however obvious it sounds, we all forget sometimes. "It's those simple things. Plan ahead so you have all the ingredients fresh and ready to bake. Read the recipe first so you don't forget an all-important ingredient. Then enjoy the whole process - the great aromas, the first taste and the fun of sharing something you've made."
25. I first tasted the sourdough breads of artisan baker Cliff Leir, made with the rare Red Fife wheat, at the Slow Food Terra Madre in 2006, and remember being struck with their extraordinary flavour. I spoke with him as he was setting up Fol Epi, his new bakery on Vancouver Island's Dockside Green, and asked what his tip was for getting some of that flavour at home. "Try making your bread dough the day with just a tiny amount of yeast and let it ferment slowly overnight. Actually, as the nights are cold you can just put the dough in a covered bowl on the back porch rather than using the fridge. It's really sweet that way as you work with the elements."
26. "The economy may be harsh and cold on either side of the pond", says Marcy Goldman, editor of "but home baking helps us feel warm and reassured. It's no wonder we bake as we do at holiday times and with a Scrooge-like market, all the more reason. The first thing I do is sleuth out butter on sale and squirrel away many blocks of unsalted (sweet) butter as I can. Butter is the basenote, as it were, in baking and having lots on hand is inspiring - but its best to find at a great price. I also refresh my spices. It's funny how people dive into baking for the holidays, without thinking twice about using ages-old cinnamon or cloves. Fresh spices and fresh baking powder is the key."
27. Gunn Borrowman, my favourite Norwegian making utterly perfect cakes up in the Cairngorms at Inshriach Nursery, gave this advice, "Add a small amount of ground almonds to your cakes if you want them to stay moist. I sometimes replace all of the flour in cake recipes with ground almonds, and customers are so surprised you can get something gluten free and so good. "
28. Johan Sörberg, the award-winning artisan baker at Riddarbageriet in Stockholm told me that very simple rye breads, not much more that rye flour, salt and water mixed to a firm dough and rolled ultra thinly, are almost a Christmas tradition in Sweden. "You can't get easier than that," says Johan, "and flavoured with anise, black pepper or caraway, cut into "gingerbread" men, and baked till crisp they can be hung from the tree, and then eaten with the meal with soft cheese."
29. From baking maestro Jan Hedh, the skill behind Peter's Yard in Edinburgh, and the authority on Swedish baking: don't overlook the breadth of flavour your can get from a little yeast and good flour. "If you're stuck for time, stirring a pinch of yeast into an equal quantity of flour and water and leave it somewhere cool for a week; then use it in place of the same quantities of flour and water in the recipe. This will act as a powerful flavour enhancer and ferment. It's not sourdough, but it's the next best thing."
30. Camilla Plum is to Denmark what Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall is to Britain, one of the few celebrities willing to stand up to the supermarkets and challenge consumers without worrying about being loveable. The key difference is that Camilla is an exceptional baker as well. Her advice is wise. "If you don't buy any kind of ready-made food, just for a week, but actually cook yourself … you'll save a lot of money. And this you can use for real butter, lots of currants and raisins, lovely fresh vanilla pods and cardamom.
Printed from Guardian
Potato soup with smoked salmon

Potato soup with smoked salmon
4 servings
2 cups water, 2 cups vegetable broth, 1 finely chopped onion, 750 gramm fresh chopped potato, 1 cup heavy cream, 1 chopped celery rib, 250 gramm smoked salmon, finely chopped italian parsley, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, salt and pepper.
In a large heavy-bottomed pot, melt a little bit of butter over medium heat. Add onion and cook, stirring until softened, about 5 minutes. Add stock, potatoes, water and celery and simmer until potatoes are tender, 20 minutes. Add lemon juice and heavy cream.
Puree 2 cups of the soup in a blender until smooth, and return to pan. Add salt and pepper to taste and cook more 8-10 minutes. Add smoked salmon and parsley before palcing on a table.
I'm sure, this soup will become one of the favorites at your table. It goes well with home-made bread.

На 4 порции:
2 чашки воды, 2 чашки овощного бульона, 1 средних размеров луковица, мелко порезанная, 750 г картофеля, очищеного и мелко порезанного, 1 чашка сливок, 1 палочка мелко нарезанного сельдерея, 250 г копченого лосося, порезанного на ленточки, петрушка, мелко порезанная, 1 столовая ложка лимонного сока, соль и перец по вкусу.
Обжарить в кастрюле луковицу в сливочном масле, добавить картофель, сельдерей, воду, бульон и варить, пока картофель не будет мягким. Посолить, поперчить, выдавить сок лимона. В конце добавить сливки.
Вынуть часть картофеля из супа. Остальной суп вылить в комбайн и прокрутить до получения пюре. Вернуть суп в кастрюлю, добавить картофель и поварить еще 8-10 минут. Перед подачей на стол добавить smoked salmon и мелко нарезанную петрушку.
November 13, 2008
Challah Collection

1. Праздничная хала
2. Хала на желтках
3. Breadsmith's Challah
4. Whole Wheat Challah
5. Литовская хала
6. Белорусская хала
7. Сдобная хала
8. Высокая хала
9. Черновицкая хала
10. Хала плетеная
11. Meggie Glezer
12. Чешская хала
13. Claidia Roden's Challah
14. Gilda Latzky's Challah
15. Rebecca's Challah
16. Тунисская хала
17. Хала сахарная по-киевски
1. Roasted garlic Challah bread
2. Challah (The New York Times Bread and Soup Cookbook)
3. Egg Challah
4. Pumpkin challah (wonderful braiding pictures)
5. Chocolate and apricot challah
6. Challah from The knead for bread
7. The Ultimate Challah
8. Tammy's Challah
9. No-Knead nutella Challah
10. Challah from "taste of home"
November 11, 2008
Ivanka Trump's Giur. Do you believe it?

Ivanka Trump has begun the process to convert to Judaism.
The daughter of real estate tycoon Donald Trump began the conversion process at Kehilath Jeshurun, an Orthodox synagogue on Manhattan’s East Side, Ynet reported Oct. 31.
Trump, 27, is engaged to Jewish businessman Jared Kushner. A former model, she is the vice president of real estate development and acquisitions for her father’s Trump Organization.
The couple will wed next year.
Source JTA
November 05, 2008
Jews and Obama: hopes for CHANGE

Despite the tense rift between Republican and Democratic Jews over the course of the 2008 U.S. presidential campaign, exit polls on Tuesday showed that Barack Obama received about 77 percent of the Jewish vote Read (English)
«Предварительные результаты голосования потрясают, — говорит Айра Форман, исполнительный директор Национального еврейского демократического совета. — Но нам нужно увидеть окончательные цифры». Read (Russian)
Are we ready for a better HEALTH CARE system? Is he going to do? REMEMBER: CLINTONS BROKE THE PROMISE, and now...
Are we ready for new and better jobs, which will create stability in our life? Is he going to do? REMEMBER: WE NEED JOBS!
October 29, 2008
Chicken With Apples And Raisins

Chicken With Apples And Raisins
1 pound chicken, сalt to taste, 2 tablespoons olive oil, 3 medium size apples, peeled, cored, and cut into 1/4-inch wedges, 1 cup dark raisins, 1/2 cup dry white wine, freshly ground pepper to taste
For marinade: 3 tablespoons honey, 3 tablespoons ketchup, 3 tablespoons soy sauce.
To prepare marinade, combine all ingredients and mix everything together.
Cut the whole chicken (if using) into serving pieces, detaching the wings and legs and dividing the breast into 4 parts and the thighs in half crosswise. (If using boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut them into 1-inch wide strips.) Sprinkle with salt.
Pour marinade over each of the chicken pieces to evenly coat until no marinade remains. Place in a large sized plastic bag and marinate three to five hours under refrigeration
When ready to prepare, preheat oven to 375°F (350° convection). Remove chicken from marinade and discard any remaining marinade. Pour olive oil, place apples and raisins on a bottom of baking pan, sprinkle with cinnamon. Top with pieces of chicken and pour marinade and wine over. Bake chicken for 30 to 40 minutes or until chicken is browned well. (Internal temperature should read 165°F. When using an instant read thermometer be sure not to touch bone when taking temperature.)
Place one serving (one chicken piece) on individual serving dishes and sprinkle center of chicken with a small amount of paprika. Garnish with slices of lemon and a sprig of curly parsley.

500 грамм курятины, 3 средниx яблока , 1/3 ч.ложки корицы, 1 чашка изюма, 2 столовых ложки оливкового масла, 1/2 чашки белого сухого вина, соль и перец по вкусу.
Для маринада: 3 столовые ложки меда, 3 столовые ложки кетчупа, 3 столовые ложки соевого соуса
Порезать курицу на куски. Посыпать солью.
Для маринада смешать мед, кетчуп и соевый соус. Положить куски курятины в маринад и мариновать в течении 3-4 часов в холодильнике.
Нагреть духовку до 375Ф. Приготовить глубокую дечку, Полить оливковым маслом, уложить нарезанные яблоки, посыпать изюмом и корицей. Вынуть курицу из маринада, уложить поверх яблок, залить маринадом и вином. Поставить в духовку на 30-40 минут.
Вынуть из духовки, положить по одному куску на тарелку, посыпать сладким перцем и украсить петрушкой.
October 27, 2008
Appetizer with avocado and herring

Appetizer with avocado and herring.
4 servings
1 large avocados, 1 cup chopped Herring fillets, 1/4 cup chopped red onion, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, 2 tablespoons mayonnaise to bind, freshly ground black pepper and salt to taste.
In a mixing bowl, combine avocado, herring fillets, and red onioin. Add mayonnaise to bind and season with salt and pepper. Chill for 1 to 2 hours before serving
It goes with borscht very well.
Закуска из авокадо и сельди
На 4 порции.
1 авокадо, 1/2 небольшой селедки, 1/4 чашки мелко нарезанного красного лука, 1 столовая ложка лимонного сока, 2 столовый ложки майонеза, соль и перец по вкусу.
Сельдь мелко нарезать,авокадо нарезать небольшими кусочками,сбрызнуть лимoнным соком, добавить красный лук, Все перемешать с майонезом. Поперчить и посолить. Поставить в холодильник на 1-2 часа перед подачей на стол.
Прекрасно сочетается с борщем.
October 26, 2008
Pear-Walnut Cake with Honey-Orange Syrup

Pear-Walnut Cake with Honey-Orange Syrup
This is similar to pan d'Espanya (Spanish bread), which is what Sephardic Jews call sponge cake. Brushing the honey-orange syrup over the warm cake infuses it with moisture and delicate aromas. For a second-day treat, try toasting a leftover slice. Garnish with orange rind curls and star anise.
Cooking spray, 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour, 1 3/4 cups sugar, 4 large eggs, 3 cups all-purpose flour (about 13 1/2 ounces), 1 tablespoon baking powder, 1 teaspoon aniseed, crushed (optional), 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt, 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon, 1 teaspoon finely grated orange(lemon) rind, 1/2 cup fresh orange (apple) juice, 1/2 cup canola oil, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, 2 cups chopped peeled pear (about 2 medium ones), 1/4 cup chopped walnuts, toasted
1/3 cup honey, 2 tablespoons fresh orange juice
Preheat oven to 325°.
To prepare cake, coat a 10-inch tube pan with cooking spray; dust with 2 tablespoons flour. Set aside.
Place sugar and eggs in a large bowl; beat with a mixer at medium speed until thick and pale (about 3 minutes).
Lightly spoon 3 cups flour into dry measuring cups; level with a knife. Combine flour, baking powder, aniseed, salt, and cinnamon, stirring well with a whisk.
Combine rind, 1/2 cup juice, oil, and vanilla. Add flour mixture to egg mixture alternately with juice mixture, beginning and ending with flour mixture; blend after each addition just until combined. Stir in pear and walnuts. Pour batter into prepared pan. Bake at 325° for 55 minutes or until a wooden pick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool in pan on a wire rack 15 minutes; loosen cake from sides of pan using a narrow metal spatula or knife. Place a plate upside down on top of cake pan; carefully invert cake onto plate.
To prepare syrup, combine honey and 2 tablespoons juice in a small saucepan over medium heat. Cook 2 minutes, stirring constantly. Brush warm syrup over top and sides of cake. Cool completely.
Yield: 18 servings (serving size: 1 slice)

На 18 порций.
Непригорающая аэрозоль (non-stick cooking spray), 2 столовые ложки муки, 1 3/4 чашки сахара, 4 яйца, 3 чашки муки, 1 столовая ложка разрыхлителя, 1/2 чайной лоски соли, 1/2 чайной ложки молотой корицы, 1 чайная ложка свежей цедры апельсина (лимона), 1/2 чашки свежего апельсинового сока (яблочного сока), 1/2 чашки подсолнечного масла, 1 чайная ложка ванильного экстракта, 2 чашки мелко нарезанной груши (2 груши средней величины), 1/4 чайной ложки мелко нарезанных грецких орех.
Сироп: 1/3 чашки меда, 2 столовые ложки апельсинового сока.
Нагреть духовку до 325Ф. Приготовить формочку для выпечки бисквита. Побрызгать непригорающей аэрозолью и посыпать 2 столовыми ложками муки.
Перемешать сахар и яйца. Взбивать миксером на средней скорости в течении 3 минут.
В другой посуде перемешать муку, разрыхлитель. соль и корицу. Добавить цедру, сок и масло. Перемешать и добавить яйца с сахаром. В последнюю очередь добавить орехи и грушу. Вылить тесто в форму, поставить в духовку и печь 55 минут до полной готовности. Вынуть бисквит из духовки, остудить в течении 15 минут, вынуть из формочки и остудить полностью.
Для сиропа, перемешать мед и сок в небольшой кастрюле, помешивая поставить на средний огонь и варить 2-3 минут, не забывайте постоянно помешивать. Залить сиропом верх бисквита.
Recipe from Cooking Light, DECEMBER 2006
October 22, 2008
kasha is never better than when made this way

Kasha, toasted hulled buckwheat, is not what you would call versatile. But kasha varnishkes — kasha, noodles (typically bow ties), loads of slow-cooked onions and fat — is an amazing dish, one I used to beg my grandmother and mother to make for me, one that shows kasha in a light that does not shine on it elsewhere, at least in my repertory. Read, make and enjoy it
October 20, 2008
Is the Great Jew back in Fashion?..

How can he help us in difficult financial times? Why do some people look for the answers in his books?
Publisher Karl-Dietz said it sold 1,500 copies of "Das Kapital" this year - up from the 200 it usually sells annually. Written in 1867, sales of the tome rarely hit double digits but have been on the rise since 2005.
Read and think English and Russian
October 19, 2008
Old-fashioned Yiddishe salad with white radishes and chicken(beef)

Old-fashioned Yiddish salad with white radishes and chicken(beef)
Serves 2.
2 medium size white radishes, 1 1/2 cups sheredded boiled/roasted chicken/beef, 1/4 cup finely shopped red onion, 1/2 of medium size chopped white onion, parsley, 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
Dressing: 1/3 cup mayonaise, 2 teaspoons Dijon mustard, salt, pepper.
Peel white radishes and shred finely. Preheat a frying pan with oil. Pour white onion in a frying pan and saute for 8-10 minutes. Add shredded chicken or beef and continue frying more 8-10 minutes. Remove from a heat and set aside for 5 minutes to rest. Add mixture to radishes.
Meanwhile, for the dressing, place all the ingredients in a bowl and whisk to combine. Add dressing, reserving some to drizzle, and toss. Top salad with chopped parsley.
Еврейский салат с белой редькой и курятиной (говядиной)
На 2 порции.
2 средней величины белых редьки, 1 1/2 чашки нарезанной варенной курятины (говядины), 1/2 чашки мелко нарезанного красного лука, 1 небольшая белая луковица, петрушка, 1 столовая ложка подсолнечного масла.
Соус: 1/3 чашки майонеза, 2 чайных ложки американской горчицы, соль, перец.
Почистить редьку и натереть на терке. Нагреть масло в сковороде, добавить белый лук и тушить в течении 8-10 минут. Добавить мясо и продолжать тушить еще 8-10 минут. Снять с огня и дать немного остыть в течении 5 минут. Добавить мясную массу к редиске.
Тем временем приготовить соус. Перемешать все составляющие в миске и хорошо перемешать. Добавить к салату. Посыпать петрушкой.
October 17, 2008
Caviar, caviar, and again caviar....
October 16, 2008
Holocaust and Your vote....

Here's the article for Russian-speaking visitors
Here's an info on English
Bergson, FDR and the Holocaust
October 15, 2008
Kosher Wars

Read more
October 12, 2008
White radish salad

White radish salad (very popular among Russian Jews)
1 large white radish shredded, 1 tablespoon vinegar, 2 tablespoons vegetable oil, 1/2 big cucumber thinly sliced, 1/4 cup thinly sliced red onion, salt and freshly ground black pepper, 1 tablespoon chopped parsley and dill
Peel the radish and shred it, using a mandolin or the proper slicing disk of a food processor.Whisk the vinegar with the vegetable oil, salt, and pepper. Toss the radish, red onion, cucumber with the vinegar, vegetable oil and sprinkle with dill/parsley.

Салат из белой редиски
1 большая белая редиска или несколько небольших редисок, 1 столовая ложка уксуса, 2 столовые ложки подсолнечного масла, 1/2 чашки тонко нарежанного красного лука, 1 столовая ложка мелко нарезанного укропа и петрушки, соль и перец по вкусу.
Очистить редиску от кожурыи натереть на терке. Смешать уксус и подсолнечное масло. Влить в редиску, добавить лук и огурцы. Посолить, поперчить и все хорошо перемешать. Посыпать петрушкой или укропом.
Для тех, кто не знаком с белой редиской, прошу почитать в Wikipedia
October 09, 2008
Pineapple Upside-Down Biscuits from Paula Deen

Pineapple Upside-Down Biscuits
Serves: 10 biscuits
1 (10-ounce) can crushed pineapple, 1/2 cup packed light brown sugar, 1/4 cup (1/2 stick) butter, at room temperature, 1 (12-ounce) package refrigerated buttermilk biscuits (10 count)
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
Grease 10 cups of a muffin tin. Strain the can of crushed pineapple, save juice for later. Combine the pineapple, sugar, and butter, and mix well. Divide the pineapple mixture among the muffin cups. Place 1 biscuit in each cup on top of sugar and pineapple mixture. Spoon 1 teaspoon reserved pineapple juice over each biscuit. Bake for 12 to 15 minutes, or until golden. Cool for 2 minutes. Invert the pan onto a plate to release the biscuits. Serve warm.

Пирожные-перевертыши с ананасом
Это быстро, вкусно и дешево.
1 банка консервированного ананаса, порезанного на кусочки, 1/2 чашки коричневого сахара, 1/2 чашки сливочного масла комнатной температуры, 1 упаковка замороженных булочек (они продаются в молочном отделе магазинов)
Нагреть духовку до 350Ф.
Приготовить формочку для выпечки кексов (muffinet). Отцедить сок из банки с ананасом. Сок оставить для поливки. Перемешать кусочки ананасов, сливочное масло и коричневый сахар. Распределить полученную смесь на 10 углублений для кексов и накрыть одной порцией теста для булочек. Полить 1 столовой ложкой оставленного ананосового сока. Поставить в духовку на 12-15 минут. Вынуть из духовки, остудить в течении 2 минут. Перевернуть и выложить пирожные на тарелку. Подавать теплыми. Прекрасно сочетается со взбитыми сливками или йогуртом.

Recipe from Food Network
October 05, 2008
Tofu Stir-Fried with Eggplant

Tofu Stir-Fried with Eggplant
Serves: 4
2 tablespoons vegetable oil, 5 ounces firm tofu, cut into 1-inch cubes, 2 finely shopped cloves garlic, 1 red bell pepper, cored, seeded and sliced, 1 big eggplant, sliced into 1/2-inch-thick slices, 1/4 cup soy sauce, 1 tablespoon honey, salt and pepper, 2-inch grated fresh ginger, 2 teaspoons sesame seeds.
Heat 1 tablespoon oil in a large pan or wok until hot, but not smoking. Lower heat to medium-high. Sauté tofu, stirring gently, about 5 minutes, until brown on all sides, about 5 minutes. Remove with a slotted spoon and set aside.
Reduce heat to low and swirl in remaining tablespoon oil. Stir in garlic, and ginger. Stir-fry for 2 minutes. Raise heat to medium and stir in eggplant and pepper. Add soy sauce and honey. Stir-fry until soft, about 10 minutes. Add tofu to pan and stir just to reheat tofu.
Note: tofu might be substituted on sliced chicken.

На 4 порции.
2 столовые ложки подсолнечного масла, 150 грамм тофу, порезанного на небольшие кубики, 2 зубца мелко нарезанного чеснока, 1 большой красный перец, нарезанный на тонкие полоски, 1 большой баклажан, нарезанный на небольшие кубики, 1/2 чашки соевого соуса, 1 столовая ложка меда, 5 см свеже натертого корня имбиря, 2 чайных ложек семочек сезама, соль и переж по вкусу.
Нагреть 1 столовую ложку масла в китайской сковородке "wok". Уменьшить огонь до среднего. Положить тофу в сковороду и жарить 5 минут. Вынуть из сковороды и положить в тарелку.
Добавить еще 1 столовую ложку масла, чеснок и имбирь. Жарить около 2 минут. Увеличить огонь и добавить баклажан и перец. Полить соевым соусом и медом. Все перемешать и жарить 10 минут. Добавить тофу и жарить еще 1-2 минуты.
Если Вы не любите тофу, то можете использовать кусочки курицы.
October 04, 2008
Cleaning Up After the Holidays.
October 03, 2008
September 29, 2008
Harvest Honey Challah

Harvest Honey Challah
Dough: 1/2 cup lukewarm water, 6 tablespoons vegetable oil, 1/4 cup honey, 2 large eggs, 3 - 4 cups Unbleached All-Purpose Flour, 1 1/2 teaspoons salt, 1 tablespoon active dry yeast.
Filling: 2 cups dry cherries (cranberries or dark raisins), 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon, fresh zest from 1/2 of lemon, 1/4 cup granulated sugar
Glaze: 1 large egg beaten with 1 tablespoon water, coarse white sugar, optional

Allow the dough to rise, covered, for 2 hours, or until it's puffy and nearly doubled in bulk. Punch dough down. Lightly grease a 9" round cake pan that's at least 2" deep. Or grease a 9" or 10" spring form pan.
Preparing filling, thoroughly mix sugar and zest, add cinnamon.
Gently deflate the dough, transfer it to a lightly greased work surface, and flatten it into a rough rectangle, about 8" x 10". Spread cinammon mixture and dry cherries all over the dough. Roll the dough, using the dish towel to help. Take a bench knife or a knife, or even a pair of scissors, and cut the cherries-filled dough into 16 pieces. To achieve this, cut the rolled log horizontally into 2 parts, then cut each part into 8 pieces.Lay the dough chunks into the pan; crowd them so that they all fit in a single layer

Place the bread in the lower third of the oven. Bake it for 55 minutes, or until the top is at least light brown all over, with no white spots. Remove the challah from the oven, and after 5 minutes loosen the edges and carefully transfer it to a rack.
Serve the bread hot, warm, or at room temperature. Drizzle with honey just before serving, if desired; or serve with honey for dipping.
Idea for the recipe from King Arthur Harvest Apple Challah
September 24, 2008
Cook for Rosh Hashanah
Here are some excellent sites full of recipes and ideas for anyone who wants to celebrate Holidays in STYLE:
Plus honey-cake recipes I tried:
September 23, 2008
Happy Holidays! Start holiday baking.
A warm and bright New Year wish for your friends and dear ones.
Honey Carrot Raisin Loaf

1 cup flour, 1/2 cup granulated sugar, 1 tsp baking soda, 3/4 tsp baking powder, 1 tsp ground cinnamon, 1/4 ground ginger, 1/4 tsp freshly grated nutmeg, zest and juice of one medium lemon, 1/4 teaspoon salt, 1/3 cup Canola oil, 1/2 cup honey, 2 eggs, 1 cup finely grated carrot, 1/2 cup raisins
Preheat the oven to 350°F.Butter and flour a 9-by-5-inch or 4 1/2-by-8 1/2-inch loaf pan.In a large bowl, sift together the flour, sugar, baking soda, baking powder, spices, zest and salt. Set aside.In a small bowl, whisk together the oil, honey, zest and juice of lemon and eggs until blended, and then stir the egg mixture into the flour with a rubber spatula.Fold in the grated carrot and raisins.Transfer the batter to the prepared pan and smooth the top with an offset spatula.Bake for 50 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Let cool until easy to handle, and turn out onto a cake rack. Frost when completely cool.
Honey Cream Cheese Frosting
4 ounces cream cheese, at room temperature, 3 TBSP unsalted butter, 1 tablespoon honey, 1 cup powdered sugar
In a bowl of a stand mixer, fitted with a paddle attachment, combine all the ingredients and beat on medium speed for about 5 minutes.Spread the frosting on the top of the loaf. Place in refrigerator for several hours before serving

ПРЕДУПРЕЖДАЮ! Это очень вкусно!!!
1 чашка муки, 1/2 чашки сахара, 1 чайная ложка соды, 3/4 чайной ложки разрыхлителя, 1 чайная ложка молотой корицы, 1/4 чайной ложки молотого имбиря, 1/2 чайной ложки молотого мускатного ореха, сок и натертая цедра с одного лимона, 1/4 чайной ложки соли, 1/3 чашки растительного масла, 1/2 чашки меда, 2 яйца, 1 чашка мелко натертой морковки, 1/2 чашки изюма.
Нагреть духовку до 350Ф Приготовить формочки для выпечки "Light bread". Обычно это прямоугольная форма.
В большой посуде смешать муку, сахар, соду и разрыхлитель, специи и соль. В другой посуде смешать масло, мед, лимонный сок и цедру, яйца. Влить смесь в мучную смесь. Добавить морковь и изюм.
Вылить тесто в формочку, поставить в духовку. Печь 50 минут до полной готовности.
Тем временем приготовить медовый сливочный крем.
120 грамм (пол пачки) сливочного сыра "Philadelphia", 3 столовых ложки сливочного масла, 1 столовая ложка меда, 1 чашка сахарной пудры.
Все смешать и взбить миксером в течении 5 минут. Дать постоять и выложить по верху кекса. Поставить в холодильник на несколько часов перед подачей.

Idea for the recipe from Peabody
September 22, 2008
Honey Raspberry Muffins with streusel topping

Honey Raspberry Muffins with streusel topping
Yield: 1 dozen.
Here's an universal recipe, which you can use with any berries. Many people used to complain that berries sink to a bottom and create a mushy and soggy texture. I used to place berries on a top of the dough and this way muffin texture is always smooth and elegant.
Dough: 2 cups all-purpose flour, 1/2 cup sugar, 3 teaspoons baking powder, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1 egg, 1 cup milk, 1/4 cup butter, melted, 1/4 cup honey
Topping: 1/3 cup sugar 1/4 cup all-purpose flour 2 tablespoons butter or margarine
For muffins, In a bowl, combine the flour, sugar, baking powder and salt. In another bowl, whisk the egg, milk, butter and honey; stir into dry ingredients just until moistened. Fill greased or paper-lined muffin cups three-fourths full. Place 3-4 raspberries on a top and sprinkle with topping
For topping, combine sugar and flour. Cut in butter until mixture resembles coarse crumbs; sprinkle about 1 tablespoon over each muffin.
Bake at 350° for 20-25 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean. Remove from pan to a wire rack. Serve warm.

Это универсальный рецепт, который может попробывать даже начинающая хозяйка. Обычно я кладу ягоды на поверхность жидкого теста. Таким образом, они не утопают в тесте. Мои кексы всегда выглядят элегантно.
Тесто: 2 чашки нуки, 1/2 чашки сахара, 3 чайные ложки разрыхлителя, 1/2 чайной ложки соли, 1 яйцо, 1 чашка молока, 1/4 чашки предварительного распущенного сливочного масла, 1/4 чашки меда.
Посыпка: 1/3 чашки сахара, 1/4 чашки муки, 2 столовые ложки масла или маргарина.
В посуде смешать муку. сахар, разрыхлитель и соль. В другой посуде смешать яйца, молоко. мало и мед. Всыпать мучную массу в жидкость. Все перемешать и заполнить формочку для кексов на 3/4 объема. Наверх положить 3-4 агод свежей малины и посыпать посыпкой.
Посыпка: смешать сахар с мукой. Нарезать масло на мелкие кусочки и перетерь с мукой и сахаром.
Печь при температуре 350Ф 20-25 минут. Вынуть из духовки и подавать теплыми.
September 20, 2008
Greek Salad with heirloom tomatoes

Greek Salad with heirloom tomatoes
2-3 cups chopped romaine lettuce, 3 heirloom ripe tomatoes, cut into chunks, 1 small red onion, thinly sliced, 1/2 European seedless cucumber, cut into bite-size chunks, 1 small red bell pepper, seeded and chunked, 1 small green bell pepper, seeded and chunked, 1 cup Kalamata black olives, Several sprigs fresh flat-leaf parsley, about 1/2 cup, 2 (1/4 pound) slices imported Greek feta, 1/4 cup (a couple of glugs) extra-virgin olive oil, 1 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
Coarse salt and black pepper
Combine vegetables, olives, and parsley in a large bowl. Rest sliced feta on the top of salad. Combine oil, lemon juice in a small plastic container with a lid. Shake vigorously to combine oil and lemon juice and pour over salad and cheese. Season with salt and pepper and let the salad marinate until ready to serve.
Serve salad with pita bread blistered and warmed on a hot griddle or grill pan.

2-3 чашки салатных листьев (romaine lettuce), 3 разноцветных мелко нарезанных томата, 1 маленькая тонко нарезанная кольцами головка красного лука, 1/2 нарезанного огурца, 1 маленький красный перец и 1 маленький зеленый перец порезанные кольцами, 1 чашка черных оливок, около 1/2 чашки мелко нарезанной петрушки, 100-150 грамм греческой брынзы, 1/4 чашки оливкового масла, 1 столовая ложка лимонного сока, соль и перец по вкусу.
Поместить все овощи в салатницу.
Встряхнуть оливковое масло, лимонный сок, соль, перец и полить заправкой салат. Сверху положить фету, порезанную кубиками и посыпать петрушкой и орегано. Оставить салат на 20-30 минут, чтобы овощи немного пропитались заправкой.
Подавать с греческим хлeбом PITA.

September 19, 2008
Roasted Beet Salad with Barley, Feta, and Red Onion

Roasted Beet Salad with Barley, Feta, and Red Onion
Makes about 5 cups
1 cup dry pearl barley, 4 medium beets, tops removed, 1/2 medium red onion (about 1/2 cup),
1/2 block of feta (about 4 ounces), cut into small squares or crumbled, 4-5 scallions, sliced into fine rounds, 1 1/2 Tablespoons lemon juice, 1 Tablespoon Extra-Virgin Olive Oil, salt and pepper to taste
extra sliced scallions for garnish
My addition: 1/2 cup finely shopped fresh cucumbers (they are in season). I think, 1/2 cup finely chopped pickles woudl be also good.
Heat the oven to 400-degrees.
Loosely wrap the beets in tin foil and roast in the oven until they are just fork tender--30 - 45 minutes. Peel and dice the beets into small cubes.
Meanwhile, bring 3 cups of water to a boil. Add the barley and 1/2 teaspoon of salt. Reduce to a simmer, cover, and cook until the barley is al dente, about 30 minutes. If there is extra liquid in the pot, drain the barley and return it to the pan. Cover with a clean dishtowel until ready to use.
Combine barley, beets, red onion, feta, and scallions in a large mixing bowl. Sprinkle the lemon juice and olive oil over the top and toss to coat.
Taste the mixture. As needed, add salt 1/4 teaspoon at a time (the feta is really salty!). Pepper to taste. Serve family-style in a large bowl or in individual bowls.
Garnish with extra scallions.

На 5 порций.
Для русских это необычно, но это вкусно. Обычно мы привыкли к супу с перловкой (шрапнель) и сушеными грибами. Попробуйте этот рецепт.
1 чашка сухой перловой крупы, 4 средних по размеру бурячка, 1/2 головки мелко нарезанного красного лука, 1/2 чашки мелко нарезанной брынзы, 4-5 стручков мелко нарезанного свежего зеленого лука, 1 1/2 столовых ложки лимонного сока, 1 столовая ложка оливкового масла, соль и перец по вкусу.
Я добавила 1/2 средней величины мелко нарезанного свежего огурца. Если у Вас нет свежего огурца, то можно добавить мелко нарезанные соленые огурцы.
Нагреть духовку до 400Ф. Положить свеклу в фольгу и запечь 30-45 минут в духовке. Вынуть ис духовки, остудить, очистить от кожуры. Нарезать на мелкие кусочки.
Пока свекла печется в духовке, сварить перловку. Налить 3 чашки воды в кастрюлю, нагреть до кипения и добавить перловую крупу с 1/2 чайной ложки соли. Варить до готовности, отцедить лишнюю воду. Дать остыть до комнатной температуры.
Перемешать перловку, красный лук, брынзу, буряк, зеленый лук и огурцы. Полить лимонный соком, посолить и поперчить.
Recipe from Source
Cold season is coming

Let's talk about immune boosters...
I found several reputable articles on Internet.
Here they are:
1. Project Foodie
2. Care2
3. Dr.David Williams
4. Vegetarian Times
September 17, 2008
Roasted Beet and Cucumber Salad with Ricotta Salata

Roasted Beet and Cucumber Salad with Ricotta Salata
1 bunch small beets, salt, to taste, extra-virgin olive oil, red wine vinegar, freshly ground pepper, to taste, 1 English cucumber, 1 bunch radishes, 1/4 cup thinly sliced red onion, 1 teaspoon chopped fresh dill (or more to taste), Ricotta salata (optional)
Roast the beets: Remove tops and wash beets. Place beets in a roasting pan; sprinkle with salt and olive oil. Add a little water to the pan to prevent beets from sticking. Roast in 350°F oven until beets are easily pierced with a knife. Let cool; peel off the skins and slice into quarter-inch slices. Toss with a little vinegar, olive oil, salt, and pepper.
Make the cucumber salad: Prepare this at least half an hour before serving to let the vegetables soften. Peel cucumber in alternating strips, cut it in half lengthwise, and scoop out the seeds with a spoon. Slice on the bias into quarter-inch slices. Slice the radishes into thin rounds. Cut the red onion in half and slice it as thin as possible against the grain. As with the beets, toss cucumber, radishes, and onion with olive oil, vinegar, salt, and pepper as well as the dill and mint.
Place beets on the plate, put the cucumber salad on top of the beets, and shave ricotta salata on top.

2-3 небольших молодых буряка, соль и перец по вкусу, оливковое масло, уксус, 1 большой огурец, несколько небольших редисок, 1/4 чашки тонка нарезанного красного лука, 1 чайная ложка мелко нарезанного укропа, итальянский твердый сыр для салатов (ricotta salata)
1. Помыть буряк, положить на деко, посыпать солью, полить оливковым маслом. Добавить немного воды и поставить в духовку, предварительно нагретую до 350Ф. Запечь буряк до полной готовности. Вынуть, остудить, очистить от кожуры, нарезать на мелкие кусочки. Полить уксусом, оливковым малом, поперчить и посолить. Дать постоять 10 минут.
2. Пока мелко нарезать огурцы и редиску, добавить красный лук. Заправить маслом, солью и перцем. Выложить буряк на тарелку, а сверху положить вторую часть салата. Украсить укропом. Подавать с итальянксим сыром (по желанию)
Дать постоять и перемешать перед подачей.
Original recipe from SeriousEasts