Oatmeal Buttermilk latkes
Serves 4-6.
1/2 cup oats (the regular kind), 1 1/4 cups buttermilk, 1 egg, well beaten, 1 1/4 cups flour, 1/2 teaspoon baking soda, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1 Tbsp vegetable oil, 2 Tbsp brown sugar,Butter or extra vegetable oil for the frying pan
Put oats into a large bowl, add the buttermilk. Let the oats soak in the buttermilk for 10 minutes. Add egg, oil, and brown sugar
Mix in the flour, baking soda, salt. Add dry ingridients to a batter. Mix everything together.
Then proceed as with any pancake recipe. Heat a flat iron surface - griddle or large pan - to medium high heat. Oil the pan with either a Tbsp of butter or vegetable oil. Ladle the pancake batter onto the griddle to the desired size, usually about 5 or 6 inches wide. When air bubbles start to bubble up to the surface at the center of the pancakes (about 2-3 minutes), use a flat spatula to flip them over. After a minute, peak under one for doneness. When golden or darker golden brown, they are done. Note that cooking the second side takes only about half as long as the first side. And the second side doesn't brown as evenly as the first side. Serve immediately or keep warm in the oven until ready to serve.
Serve with butter, maple syrup, and macerated strawberries.

Овсяные блинчики
На 4-6 порций
1 1/4 чашки кефирa, 1/2 чашки овсяных хлопьев быстрого приготовления, 0,5 ч.л. ванильного экстракта, 1 большое яйцо, слегка взбить, 1 ст.л. растительного масла, 1 1/4 чашки муки, 2 ст.л. коричневого сахара, 0,5 ч.л. пищевой соды, 0,5 ч.л. солиВ чашке соединить кефир, хлопья и ванилин, оставить на 10 минут, периодически помешивая. Затем добавить яйцо и масло. В другой чашке смешиваем муку, сахар, соду и соль, добавляем жидкие ингредиенты. Жарим на разогретой сковороде, смазанной маслом. Получается примерно 16 маленьких оладушек (или 8 больших). Подавать с кленовым сиропом, вареньем.
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