Showing posts with label Soups. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Soups. Show all posts

October 17, 2024

Cream Tomato Soup from the Jar (Personal Recommendations)

Recipe from the past which was served in one of the restaurant in Montana. It was recreated by an occasional customer and improved by me.

Yield 3 medium servings (1 & 1/3 cup each one)

1 large yellow onion, finely chopped
1 teaspoon vegetable oil + more if needed
2-3 medium garlic cloves, minced
1/2 teaspoon dry oregano
1/2 teaspoon ground coriander
1/2 teaspoon paprika
1 tablespoon tomato paste
2 tablespoons butter
2 cups heavy whipping cream
2 (each 14.5 oz) cans diced tomatoes
Salt and ground black pepper to taste

Add a tablespoon of vegetable oil to a large skillet over medium heat. Add the onions and a pinch of salt. Let the onions cook slowly and turn or stir the onions to evenly soften and brown them. Add garlic, butter, spices, and tomato paste, and cook for 2-3 minutes. If onions are drying so quickly, add some more vegetable oil.

While onions are cooking, add heavy whipping cream to a large soup pot and bring almost to a boil. Add onion mixture and a first can of diced tomatoes. Remove the pot from the heat and puree with an immersion mixer. Add a second can to a pot, puree again, and return to the heat. Bring to a boil, lower the heat, and simmer for a few minutes. Check for salt and pepper, and add if needed.

Remove from the heat for about 30 minutes. Strain through the sieve into a large plastic container. Place into the refrigerator for about a couple of hours to marry flavors. Reheat the soup before serving.

Serve with herring, cheese sandwiches, crackers, and olives.

Томатный крем-суп из банки (личные рекомендации)

На 3 средние порции (по 1 и 1/3 чашки каждая).

1 большая желтая луковица, мелко нарезанная
1 чайная ложка растительного масла + больше при необходимости
2-3 средних зубчика чеснока, измельченных очень мелко
1/2 чайной ложки сухого орегано
1/2 чайной ложки молотого кориандра
1/2 чайной ложки паприки
1 столовая ложка томатной пасты
2 столовые ложки сливочного масла
2 чашки (около 500 мл) густых взбитых сливок
2 (каждая по 14,5 унций) банки нарезанных кубиками помидоров
Соль и молотый черный перец по вкусу

Добавить чайную ложку растительного масла в большую сковороду и поставить на средний огонь. Добавить лук и щепотку соли. Дать луку медленно тушиться и помешива, чтобы лук равномерно размягчился и подрумянился. Добавить чеснок, сливочное масло, специи и томатную пасту и готовить еще 2–3 минуты. Если нужно добавить еще немного растительного масла.

Пока лук готовится, влить густые сливки в большую суповую кастрюлю и довести почти до кипения. Добавить луковую смесь и первую банку нарезанных кубиками помидоров. Снять кастрюлю с огня и погружным миксером превратить смесь в пюре. Добавить вторую банку, снова все превратить в пюре, вернуть на огонь. Довести до кипения, уменьшить огонь и варить несколько минут. Проверить на соль и пере, при необходимости добавить.

Снять с огня и оставить остывать примерно на 30 минут. Процедить через сито в большой пластиковый контейнер. Поставить в холодильник примерно на пару часов. Перед подачей разогреть суп.

Подавать с сельдью, бутербродами с сыром, крекерами и оливками.

August 25, 2024

Spicy Carrot-Potato Soup with Homemade Chicken Broth

Yield 3 servings

Homemade chicken broth for soup
3 medium pieces of chicken, cleaned
3 & 1/2 cups water, room temperature
1 medium onion, peeled and halved
6 fresh parsley stems
1 bay leaf
1 teaspoon whole black peppercorns

3 cups water, room temperature
2 cups chicken broth, homemade (recipe follows)
4 large carrots, peeled and cut into medium chunks
2 large russet potatoes, peeled and cut into medium chunks
Salt, black ground pepper to taste
1 small jalapeno, seeded and minced

Herby Croutons
4 large pieces of sourdough bread, torn in small pieces
2 tablespoons olive oil, divided
1/4 cup pine nuts
1/3 cup fresh parsley, finely chopped
Salt to taste

To make a homemade chicken stock:

To a medium stock pot, add chicken and cold water to cover. Over medium-high heat, bring to a boil. Immediately reduce heat to low and skim the foam off the top.

Add onion and salt. If desired, place parsley stems, bay leaf, and peppercorns into a cotton cheesecloth to make a sachet. Add loosely to the pot.

Simmer gently until the chicken is cooked through, for about 20-30 minutes. Remove the chicken from the pot and strain the broth through a fine-mesh strainer. Pour broth into a container, cover with a lid, and chill it overnight in the refrigerator.

To make a soup:

Pour water and 1 cup of chicken stock into a large stock pan. Bring to a simmer over medium-high heat. Add carrots and potato. Cook for about 20 minutes until soft. Remove from the heat, add jalapenos, and puree with a stand-up mixer. Add one more cup of chicken broth, and check for spices. Return to the heat and bring to a simmer again. Cook for about 2-3 minutes more. Check for spices, add if needed. Sometimes, to keep a right texture, you will need to add more water.

Before serving, make croutons:

Add pieces of bread and 1 tablespoon of olive oil to a large plastic bowl. Mix well with your hands. Place a parchment paper on a grill pan and heat medium-high heat for 3-4 minutes. Add oiled bread and grill until brown mark on pieces. Stir occasionally.

Meanwhile, place olive oil, parsley, and pine nut into the kitchen mortar and grind with pestle for about 1-2 minutes. Lightly sprinkle with salt.

Remove pieces of bread from the heat. Set aside for about 2 minutes. Add bread and parsley mixture into a medium plastic bowl and mix well.

Make a soup a day before and reheat just before serving. Pile croutons on top.

March 12, 2022

Healthy Broccoli Potato Soup

Yields 8 Servings

1 large red onion finely chopped

4 large carrots thinly sliced

2 pounds Yukon gold potatoes peeled & diced

19 ounce can white kidney beans drained & rinsed

1 large broccoli cut into bite size florets, approx. 8 cups of small florets

6 cups low sodium vegetable broth

½ cup nutritional yeast

1 teaspoon garlic powder

½ teaspoon dried thyme

sea salt to taste

1 cup unsweetened cashew milk or soy milk, or coconut milk (I used whipping cream)

Add the onion and carrots to a large pot with a tablespoon or two of water. Sauté until slightly softened, about 2 minutes.

Add the potatoes, beans, broth, nutritional yeast, thyme and garlic powder to the pot and bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce heat and simmer until the potatoes are easily pierced with a fork, about 8 minutes. Then add the broccoli and simmer 5 more minutes.

Turn off the heat and using a slotted spoon, remove and set aside about 4 cups of the veggies. Then puree the remaining soup in the pot, using an immersion blender. Or you may transfer to a stand blender in batches, using caution when pureeing hot liquids. Return the reserved 4 cups of veggies to the pot, stir in the plant milk and taste for salt. I added ½ a teaspoon at this point, but salt to your taste. Then serve and enjoy.

Recipe comes from This Healthy Kitchen

April 02, 2021

Classic Cheese Rolls for Soup

Makes 12 medium pieces for 4-5 servings

1 large egg, lightly beaten with fork

1/4 teaspoon salt

1/3 cup all-purpose flour + more if need it

Couple twists ground pepper

1.5 oz. (about 30 - 35 gram) spreadable cheese

Add salt and ground pepper to beaten egg. Stir together flour with egg mixture. Using a circular motion with the palm of your hand, gently roll the dough on a floured surface to create a ball shape. Add flour, if need it.

Roll dough out into a rectangle 1/8-inch thick. Spread cheese to edges and roll up gently and pinch the seams shut. Cut into 12 equal pieces.

Place into simmering soup. Cover and simmer 10 minutes without lifting lid.

Классические Рулетики-клецки для супа

На 12 средних рулетиков для 4-5 порций супа

1 большое яйцо, слегка взбитое вилкой

1/4 чайной ложки соли

1/3 чашки универсальной муки + еще при необходимости

Пара щепоток молотого черного перца

1,5 унции (около 30-35 грамм) пастообразного сыра

Добавить соль и молотый перец во взбитое яйцо. Добавить муку с яичной смесью. Замесить тесто на присыпанной мукой поверхности. При необходимости добавить муку.

Раскатать тесто в прямоугольник толщиной 3мм. Распределить сыр по всей поверхности, аккуратно закатать и защипнуть швы. Разрезать на 12 равных частей.

Положить в кипящий суп. Накрыть крышкой и варить в течении 10 минут под закрытой крышкой.

February 18, 2021

Double Mushrooms Creamy Soup with Coconut Milk and White Beans

Yields 4 servings

1/2 oz. (about 15 grams) dry mushrooms

3 cups cold water + more for boiling mushrooms

1 medium yellow onion, peeled and chopped

2 medium carrots, peeled and chopped

3 medium potatoes, peeled and chopped

2 stalks celery, cleaned and chopped

1 can (13.5 oz.) coconut milk

3/4 cup white canned beans, rinsed

1 teaspoon vegetable oil

4 oz (about 120 gram) fresh mushrooms, cleaned and sliced

2 tablespoons, fresh parsley, chopped

1/2 teaspoon schmaltz (optional)

Salt, ground black pepper, lemon juice, garlic-chili sauce to taste

Place dry mushrooms into a medium saucepan and cover with cold water. Bring to a boil, lower the heat and simmer for about 10 minutes. Drain water and reserved it for future use. Cool and chop dry mushrooms.

Bring 3 cups of water to a boil in a large pot. 

Combine onion, carrot, celery, and potatoes in the work bowl of a food processor. Process until all of the vegetables are chopped into tiny pieces, but don't let them get mushy. Using a spatula take out the mixture and place it in a medium bowl. Put into boiling water and sprinkle with salt and ground black pepper. Lower the heat and simmer for about 7 minutes.

Heat vegetable oil in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Cook and stir mushrooms until mushrooms are lightly browned, for about 5 minutes. Sprinkle with some salt and ground black pepper. Remove from the heat to cool a bit.

Add coconut milk. Stir to combine everything and simmer for about 5-7 minutes. Add chopped dry mushrooms and two tablespoons reserved liquid. Using an immersion blender, puree vegetables with coconut oil.

Add mushrooms, drained white beans, and chopped parsley. Simmer for about 5-7 minutes. Check for spices. Add lemon juice, garlic-chili sauce. For fat-lovers, add chicken fat (schmaltz).

Remove from the heat. Stir together a couple of times and serve warm. Leftovers might be stored in a lidded plastic container and reheated before serving time.

November 12, 2019

Fall Comforting Soups

Fall Red Lentils Veggie Soup

Makes 3-4 medium size servings

1 medium onion, peeled and cut into medium chunks
1 medium carrot, peeled and cut into medium chunks
2 celery stalks, cleaned and cut into medium chunks
3 medium potatoes, divided
4 cups chicken broth
1 cup water, room temperature
1/4 cup dry red lentils
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1/2 cup green beans, cut into medium chunks
3/4 cup tomato juice
1 small jalapenos, minced
2 tablespoons fresh herbs (parsley, dill)
Salt and pepper to taste

Combine onion, carrot, celery, and 2 potatoes in the work bowl of a food processor. Pulse a few times until all of the vegetables are chopped into tiny pieces, but don't let them get mushy. Using a spatula take out the mixture and place in a medium bowl. Set aside.

Pour chicken stock and water in a large pot and bring to boil. Add veggie mixture, chunks of 1 left potato, lower the heat to medium, simmer for about 8 minutes.

Add dry lentils and simmer for more 10 minutes stirring occasionally. Lastly add green beans, tomato juice, minced herbs, lemon juice and simmer for 3-4 minutes. Check for salt and pepper, add garlic-chili sauce or minced jalapenos. Simmer for 3-4 minutes. Take off the heat, cool to room temperature.

I like to prepare soup the day before I serve it, then put it in the refrigerator overnight and serve on the following day for lunch.

Minty Butternut Squash Alphabet Soup

Makes 3-4 medium size servings

1 medium onion, peeled and cut into medium chunks
1 medium carrot, peeled and cut into medium chunks
2 celery stalks, cleaned and cut into medium chunks
2 medium potatoes, divided
3 garlic gloves
5 cups water, room temperature
1 tablespoon consomme
2 tablespoons alphabet (dry pasta)
1 cup butternut chunks, cooked or roasted, cut into small pieces
1 teaspoon shmaltz
3-4 large mint leaves, 2-3 stalks parsley, 2-3 stalks dill. Minced everything together.
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1/8 teaspoon garlic-chili sauce or 1 mini jalapenos, minced
Salt and pepper to taste

Combine onion, carrot, celery, garlic, and 1 potato in the work bowl of a food processor. Pulse a few times until all of the vegetables are chopped into tiny pieces, but don't let them get mushy. Using a spatula take out the mixture and place in a medium bowl. Set aside. 

Pour water in a large pot and bring to boil. Add veggie mixture, chunks of 1 left potato, lower the heat to medium, add consomme and start to simmer for about 8 minutes.

Add alphabet pasta and simmer for more 5-7 minutes stirring occasionally. Lastly add butternut squash, shmaltz, minced herbs, lemon juice and simmer for 3-4 minutes. Check for salt and pepper, add garlic-chili sauce or minced jalapenos.  Simmer for 3-4 minutes. Take off the heat, cool to room temperature.

I like to prepare soup the day before I serve it, then put it in the refrigerator overnight and serve on the following day for lunch. 

October 01, 2019

Shmaltzy Mushroom Barley Soup

Make 3 generous servings

5 cups water
1 tablespoon Osem consomme powder (optional)
1 medium onion, peeled and cut into medium chunks
1 medium carrot, peeled and cut into medium chunks
2 celery stalks, cleaned and cunt into medium chunks
3 small-to-medium potatoes, divided
1/2 cup cauliflower florets, cut into medium chunks
1 teaspoon vegetable oil
1 cup button mushrooms, cleaned and cunt into medium slices
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon soy sauce
1 tablespoon red wine
1/2 tablespoon tomato paste
3 tablespoons quick barley
1/2 medium Jalapeño pepper, grated on small holes of the grater
1 & 1/2 teaspoon shmaltz
2 tablespoons parsley, finely chopped
Salt and pepper to taste
Sugar (optional)

In a big pot, bring water to a simmer.

While water is warning up, combine onion, celery, carrot and 2 potatoes in the work bowl of a food processor. Pulse a few times until all of the vegetables are chopped into tiny pieces, but don't let them get mushy. Using a spatula take out the mixture and place in a medium bowl. Set aside.

Add consomme powder, chunks from 1 left potato, cauliflower florets and processed veggie mixture to a pot with simmering water, lower the heat to medium and start to simmer for 5-7 minutes.

In a medium frying pan, heat the oil over medium-high heat. Add the mushrooms and saute for 3-5 minutes, stirring every minute with a wooden spoon. Lightly sprinkle with salt, ground black pepper. Add a soy sauce, tomato paste, lemon juice. Continue saute for 2 minutes longer. Raise the heat and splash the wine over the mushrooms. Using the spatula, quickly deglaze the mixture and add to a pot with simmering veggies.

Add barley, shmaltz and simmer the mixture for 10 minutes under the lid, until vegetables are soft and barley is fully cooked. Stir occasionally. Add chopped parsley. Just before the end, grate Jalapeño pepper above the the soup and adjust the seasonings.

In most cases I serve these soups in a very next day giving a chance to flavors to be developed.

Грибной суп с перловкой, куриным жиром и тушеными на вине грибами

На 3 большие порции

5 чашек воды
1 столовая ложка Osem consomme powder (optional)
1 средняя луковица, очищенная и нарезанная ломтиками
1 средняя морковь, очищенная и нарезанная на средние куски
2 стебля сельдерея, очищенных и нарезанных на средние куски
3 средних по величине картофеля, разделенных
1/2 чашки цветной капусты, нарезать на средние куски
1 чайная ложка растительного масла
1 чашка шампиньонов, очищенных и нарезанных на средние кусочки
1 столовая ложка лимонного сока
1 чайная ложка соевого соуса
1 столовая ложка красного вина
1/2 столовой ложки томатной пасты
3 столовые ложки быстро  разваривающейся перловки
1/2 среднего острого перца халапеньо, натертого на маленьких отверстиях терки
1 и 1/2 чайной ложки шмальца (топленого куриного жира)
2 столовых ложки мелко нарезанной пертрушки
Соль и перец по вкусу
Сахар (по желанию)

В большой кастрюле довести воду до кипения.

Пока вода нагревается, выложить лук, сельдерей, морковь и 2 картофелины в чашу кухонного комбайна. Пропульсировать несколько раз до образования мелкой овощной крошки. С помощью шпателя вынуть смесь и выложить в среднюю миску. Отложить в сторону.

В закипающую воду добавить consomme powder, оставшийся нарезанный картофель, цветную капусту и приготовленную вегетарианскую смесь, уменьшить огонь до среднего и варить в течение 5-7 минут.

В сковороде на среднем огне разогреть растительное масло. Добавить грибы и жарить 3-5 минут, помешивая каждую минуту деревянной ложкой. Слегка посыпать солью и молотым черным перцем. Добавить соевый соус, томатную пасту и лимонный сок. Тушить еще 2 минуты. Увеличить огонь и побрызгать грибы вином. Используя шпатель, быстро перемешать смесь и добавить в кастрюлю с кипящими овощами.

Также добавить ячмень, шмальц и варить смесь в течение 10 минут под крышкой, пока овощи не станут мягкими и перловка полностью не приготовится. Время от времени помешивайть. Добавить петрушку. Непосредственно перед концом натереть острый перец халапеньо над супом. Если нужно добавить соль, перец и сахар.

Снять с огня, полностью остудить и поставить в холодильник на 24 часа. Подогреть перед подачей.

June 04, 2019

Quick Barley Mushroom Soup with Creamy Base

Not everybody like pureed soup, but most of us love a smooth velvety texture of the soup base, especially if it's done with fresh veggies available all year around.

Makes 6 servings

2 tablespoons olive oil
2 medium carrots, peeled and finely chopped
1 large stalk celery, cleaned and chopped
2 medium leeks, cleaned and chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 teaspoon paprika
1/4 teaspoon turmeric
1/2 tablespoon Mediterranean style herb seasoning by Culinary Circle (includes oregano, thyme, dill seed, fennel seed, basil, chervil, parsley and spearmint)
2 bay leaves
8 cups low-sodium vegetable broth
2/3 cup quick barley
3 cups medium sliced button mushroom
3 tablespoons parsley, finely chopped
Salt, ground black pepper, lemon juice, and sugar to taste

Heat the oil in a large saute pot. Sauté the carrots and celery for 3-4 minutes. Add leeks, lightly sprinkle with salt and continue to saute for 5-6 minutes.

While veggies is cooking, bring the vegetable broth almost to boil in a big soup pot.

Add garlic, paprika, Mediterranean style herb seasoning, and turmeric to veggies and saute for 30-40 seconds. Pour veggies to broth, lower the hear and simmer for 8-10 minutes. 

Using a hand blender or a table top blender process the soup ingredients to almost smooth consistency. Add quick barley and mushrooms and simmer for 15 minutes. Adjust the consistency of the soup with some water if needed. Adjust the salt, pepper, lemon juice and sugar. Remove bay leaves

Serve with sour cream. Usually I serve soup on very next day.

If you like richer and non-vegetarian soup texture, use low-sodium chicken broth instead of vegetable one and add 1/2 teaspoon shmaltz (rendered chicken fat) to veggies while they saute.

Вегетарианский суп с перловкой и свежими грибами

На 6 порций

2 столовые ложки оливкового масла
2 средних моркови, очищенные и мелко нарезанные
1 большой стебель сельдерея, очищенный и нарезанный
2 средних лука-порея, очищенные и нарезанные
2 зубчика чеснока, мелко нарубленые
1/2 чайной ложки паприки
1/4 чайной ложки куркумы
1/2 столовой ложки приправы из средиземноморких трав by Culinary Circle (включает душицу, тимьян, укроп, семена фенхеля, базилик, кервель, петрушку и мяту)
2 лавровых листа
8 чашек овощного бульона (почти 2л)
2/3 чашки быстро варящейся перловки
3 чашки грибов, нарезанных на средние куски
3 столовые ложки петрушки, мелко нарезанной
Соль, молотый черный перец, лимонный сок и сахар по вкусу

Нагреть оливковое масло в большо, сотейнике. Обжарить морковь и сельдерей в течении 3-4 минуты. Добавить лук-порей, слегка посыпать солью и продолжать тушить еще 5-6 минут.

Пока овощи готовятся, доведисти овощной бульон почти до кипения в большой кастрюле.

Добавить чеснок, паприку, приправу из средиземноморких трав и куркуму к овощам и жарить 30-40 секунд. Переложить овощи в бульон, уменьшить огонь и тушить в течение 8-10 минут.

Используя ручной вертикальный блендер превратить все ингредиенты супа до почти пюреобразного состояния. Добавить перловую крупу и грибы, варить 15 минут. Если суп очень густой, то добавить немного воды. Посолить, поперчить, по желанию добавить лимонный сок и сахар. Удалить лавровый лист из кастрюли.

Подавать со сметаной. Обычно я подаю суп на следующий день.

Если вам нравится более более сытные и невегетарианские супы, то можно использовать куриный бульон вместо овощного и добавить 1/2 чайной ложки топленого куриного жира к овощам, пока они обжариваются.

March 11, 2019

Veggie Barley Bean Soup and Psychology talk

Needless to say, it's definitely quite elementary to instantiate a thought, that not many of us can create a recipe. Moreover, I know many people, who never liked to try recipes from cooking books. I understand them and never push doubt ones to start to improve their cooking skills with unfamiliar recipes. My sensitivity comes from knowledge, which might be helpful for many of us.

Being from very memorable Jewish family in our city, my psychology professor Boris Blyuminshteyn, who now lives in Israel, decided to demonstrate to us, students, how idea of feedback works in psychology. Knowing there are only few Jewish students in auditorium, he asked the question: "What do you feel or think when you want to make a borscht?" Most of students started to smile showing all signs of very recognizable, pleasant and even desired situation. Then he asked quietly a second question: "Do you want to make Sweet & Sour Beef Stew with Prunes (esik fleisch)?" It sounded like a puzzle, which can disorient most of people, who never heard or tried this only for Jews recognizable delicacy. He took off his glasses and said with very satisfied look: "Most of you don't know what it is. Your brain cannot create a feedback. You show all signs of unpredictability, which builds low expectations and even anxiety." And he is right. Even decision to make something new creates distress for many of us and only need with emotional commitment and mental acquisitiveness with internal discipline can charge us with energy and power to go through a quite provocative process such cooking, which in many cases starts with interesting recipe.

About a month ago I made Sunday Soup with Veggies, Chicken and Barley. I don't want to spend a lot of time describing how it's good and satisfying, especially in a winter time, but I would like to tell you, that this recipe gave me an idea how to create a similar, but another bowl of goodness. Needless to say, I knew, it will work. My previous experience gave me enough wisdom to proof myself, I have to try. This recipe is quite lighter, with unique flavor of fennel and satisfy easily any vegetarian.

Many people, especially nowadays, generally don't see a monetary worth in reading, especially books, and I would like to remind all of you, that reading is not about money, it's about strong and healthy feedback, which always brings only excellent payoffs in a life. Our life has beginning and the end, and only each of us has a dominated authority to create the feedback. Remember, you reap what you sow.

P.S. For sure, I'm one of few thankful students of my psychology professor, who remember all my life how he taught us to create a healthy feedback and, most important, go to dates wisely. I promise to tell you the story later.

Veggie Barley Bean Soup 

Makes about 10 cups (2.5 l)

2 tablespoons light olive oil
1 medium onion, peeled and cut into chunks
Half of a large fennel bulb
2 medium garlic gloves
1 carrot, peeled and cut into chunks
1 medium-to-large sweet potato, peeled and cut into chunks
2 medium potatoes, peeled and cut into chunks
4 cups cups vegetable stock
2 cups water
1/3 cup quick barley
3/4 cup canned white beans, rinsed under cold water and drained
1 & 1/2 tablespoon soy sauce
1 tablespoon lemon juice
2 teaspoon salt
Freshly ground black pepper to taste
1/8 teaspoon garlic-chili sauce
2 tablespoons fresh dill, finely chopped
2 tablespoons fresh parsley or cilantro, finely chopped
Sour cream for serving

Combine onion, garlic and fennel in the work bowl of a food processor. Pulse a few times until all of the vegetables are chopped into tiny pieces, but don't let them get mushy. Using a spatula take out the mixture and place in a medium bowl. Set aside. Don't clean up the bowl and add carrot, sweet and regular potato in the same bowl. Pulse a few times until all of the vegetables are chopped into tiny pieces, but don't let them get mushy. Take out the mixture and place in another medium bowl. Set aside as well.

Pour the vegetable stock and water in a large pot and bring to boil. Add potato-carrot mixture, lower the heat to medium and start to simmer.

In a medium frying pan, heat the oil over medium-high heat. Add the onion-fennel mixture and saute for 7 minutes, stirring constantly, with a wooden spoon. Lightly sprinkle with salt, ground black pepper and add a soy sauce. Continue saute for 3-4 minutes longer. Add mixture to a large pot with simmering veggie mixture. Pour barley and simmer the mixture for 15-20 minutes under the lid, until vegetables are soft and barley is fully cooked. Stir occasionally.

Add drained and rinsed beans, dill and parsley, lemon juice and chili-garlic sauce to a pot. Finally, check for salt and pepper. Add, if you need. I added 2 teaspoons of salt. Simmer for 3-4 minutes longer. Serve at once with sour cream. In most cases I serve these soups in a very next day giving a chance to flavors to be developed.

February 04, 2019

Sunday Soup: Veggies, Chicken & Barley

Makes about 10 cups (2.5 l)

2 onions, peeled and cut into chunks
4 carrots, peeled and cut into chunks
Half of a butternut squash, peeled, seeded and cut into chunks (I used a medium one)
1 zucchini, trimmed and cut into chunks
1 sweet potato, peeled and cut into chunks
2 tablespoons light olive oil
8-10 cups vegetable or chicken stock or water
6 skinless, boneless chicken thighs
1 bunch fresh dill, tied with kitchen string (I used 2 tablespoons finely chopped barley)
1 cup (200 gram) raw pearl barley (I used 20-minutes barley)
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper

Combine all of the vegetables in the work bowl of a food processor. Pulse a few times until all of the vegetables are chopped into tiny pieces, but don't let them get mushy.

In a large pot, heat the oil over medium-high heat. Add the vegetables and saute for 5 minutes, stirring constantly, with a wooden spoon. cover the pot and reduce the heat to medium. Simmer until the vegetable are soft, 5-7 minutes longer.

Pour the stock or water over the vegetables, filling the pot three-fourths of the way. Stir in the chicken and add the entire bunch of dill. Cover covered, over medium heat for 1 hour. (I did not add dill and cooked for 30 minutes.)

Use a slotted spoon to fish out the bunch of dill, and discard. Stir in the barley and simmer, covered, until the barley is softened, but not mushy, 30-40 minutes longer. (I cooked for 20 minutes.) Remove chicken, use a large fork to shred it into small pieces, then return it to the pot. (I added chopped dill). Season generously with salt and pepper. (I cooked for more 5 minutes). Serve at once.

Recipe comes from "I heart Kosher" by Kim Kushner

January 22, 2019

Curried Parsnip and White Bean Soup

Serves 4

3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
1 medium yellow onion, chopped
3 garlic cloves, minced
1 teaspoon freshly grated ginger
5 to 6 medium parsnip, peeled and chopped
1 gala apple, peeled, cored, and chopped
1 teaspoon curry powder
1/2 teaspoon ground cardamom
1 1/2 cups cooked cannellini beans, drained and rinsed, 1/4 cup reserved for garnish
4 cups vegetable broth
1/4 cup chopped chives
sea salt and freshly ground pepper

In a large pot, heat the olive oil over medium heat. Add the onion and a few generous pinches of salt and pepper and cook until soft, around 2 minutes.

Add the garlic and ginger and stir. Add the parsnips, apple, curry powder, cardamom, and cannellini beans. Stir and cook until the parsnips are lightly browned, about 2 minutes. Add the vegetable broth and simmer until the parsnips are tender, about 20 minutes.

Let the soup cool slightly, then transfer it to a blender (work in batches if you need to) and puree until creamy.

Season with more salt and pepper to taste. Garnish with reserved beans and chives.

Суп с корнем пастернака и белой фасолью

На 4 порции

3 столовые ложки оливкового масла
1 средняя головка лука, очищенная и мелко нарезанная
3 зубчика чеснока, мелко порубленных
1 чайная ложка свежего тертого имбиря
5-6 средних поразмеру корнеплода пастернака, очищенных и нарезанных
1 среднее яблоко, очищенное и мелко нарезанное
1 чайная ложка порошка карри
1/2 чайной ложки молотого кардамона
1 1/2 чашки консервированной белой фасоли, промытой от раствора, + 1/4 чашки для сервировки
4 чашки овощного бульона
1/4 стакана нарезанного зеленого лука
морская соль и свежемолотый перец по вкусу

В большой кастрюле разогреть оливковое масло на среднем огне. Добавить лук и несколько щепоток соли и перца и тушить до мягкости, около 2 минут.

Добавить чеснок и имбирь, перемешать. Добавить корень пастернака, яблоко, порошок карри, кардамон и белую фасоль. Перемешать и варить, пока пастернак не подрумянится, около 2 минут. Добавить овощной бульон и тушить до тех пор, пока пастернак не станет мягким, около 20 минут.

Дать супу немного остыть и с помощью вертикального блендера провернуть всю смесь до получения пюре. Приправить солью и перцем по вкусу. Украсить белой фасолью и луком.

Recipe comes from "Love and Lemons Cookbook" by Jeanine Donofrio.

January 13, 2019

Tuscan Farro Soup

Mark Bittman

Yield 4 servings
Time 1 1/2 hours

2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1 large onion, sliced
2 celery stalks, trimmed and chopped
2 carrots, peeled and chopped
Salt and pepper
1 tablespoon minced garlic
1 cup farro, spelt or barley (I used 1/3 cup barley and 1/3 cup farro)
1 cup dried white beans, soaked for several hours or overnight
2 cups chopped tomatoes (canned are fine; do not drain)
6 cups stock or water, more as necessary
¼ cup chopped fresh parsley
¼ cup chopped fresh basil, optional
Freshly grated Parmesan

Put oil in a large, deep saucepan over medium heat; a minute later add onion, celery, carrots, a large pinch of salt and some pepper. Cook until vegetables are glossy and onion is softened, 5 to 10 minutes. Add garlic, and stir; add farro, beans, tomatoes and stock, and stir.

Bring to a boil, then adjust heat so mixture simmers steadily. Cook until farro and beans are tender, at least an hour, adding stock or water as necessary if mixture becomes too thick. Stir in parsley and basil (if using), then cook another 5 minutes. Taste and adjust seasoning (I added 1 & 1/2 tablespoons lemon juice and 1/2 teaspoon sugar), then serve with lots of Parmesan. (I served with dollop of sour-cream)

Recipe comes from New York Times Cooking (968 ratings excellent reviews). It's a second recipe by Mark Bittman. First one was Cranberry Walnut torte (even Friendly for Passover)

January 04, 2019

Creamy Salmon Bisque

Yields: 4 servings

5 cups cold water, divided
2 bay leaves
1/2 teaspoon black peppercorns
1 pounds fresh salmon, cut into medium chunks
1 tablespoon butter, room temperature
1/2 medium onion, chopped
1 large leak, only white part, cut into medium rounds
2 medium garlic cloves, peeled, minced
1 medium-large carrot, peeled, chopped
1 tablespoon tomato paste
1 large potato, peeled, cut into small cubes
1/2 cup whipping cream
1 tablespoon dill, minced
1 tablespoon lemon juice
Salt and ground black pepper to taste

To a large pot over medium heat, add 4 cups cold water, bay leaves, peppercorns, and 1/2 teaspoon salt. Bring to boil, lower the heat and add salmon. Simmer salmon in broth for 20 minutes.

While salmon is cooking, to a large frying pan over medium heat, add the butter and wait until it's melted. Add chopped onion and 1/4 teaspoon salt and saute for 3 minutes stirring occasionally until onion is very soft. Add leak, garlic, and 1/8 teaspoon ground black pepper, mix everything very well and saute for more 3 minutes. If you feel onion-leak mixture is dried up, add a couple tablespoons of water or white wine.

Remove cooked salmon from the broth, set aside and also remove bay leaves, black peppercorns. Add 1 cup water, onion-leak mixture, carrots, tomato paste, and potatoes. Bring back to simmer and cook for 15 minutes.

Using a hand immersion blender, blend the soup until very smooth. Stir in the lemon juice, dill and heavy cream. Check for salt and pepper. Add, if needed. Simmer for a couple minutes and add flaked salmon. Ladle the soup into bowls and top with lemon wedges on the side.

Tip: I do my final check for salt and pepper 10 minutes after I removed soup from the heat. I think, it's quite difficult to make a right decision about salt and pepper, when your soup is cooking. When soup is cooling, you will make a better verdict about what you need.

December 25, 2018

Parsnip and Barley Soup

Yield: 6 servings

1/4 cup butter
1 small onion, chopped
1/2 leek, white part only, cut in 3/4-inch pieces
6 parsnips, peeled and chopped
1 bay leaf
1 medium potato, peeled and chopped
6 cups chicken stock (I used vegetable stock)
1 cinnamon stick (I used 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon)
1/2 cup quick barley
1/2 cup heavy cream
salt and pepper, to taste
ground nutmeg, for garnish (I used 1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg)
celery hearts, for garnish

My garnish
3 tablespoon each dill and cilantro, minced
1/3 cup green onions, finely chopped
1/4 teaspoon lemon juice
dash of salt and black ground pepper

A couple tablespoons, salted pistachios, chopped

In a medium saucepan, add the butter and cook over medium heat until melted. Add the onion, leek, and parsnips and cook for 5 minutes, or until vegetables are tender.

Add bay leaf and potato, cook for 5 minutes, then add the stock, cinnamon stick, and barley (I added ground cinnamon and nutmeg)

Bring to boil, reduce heat so that the soup simmers, and cook for 20 minutes, or until the barley is soft.

Remove the cinnamon stick and transfer the soup to a food processor. Puree until creamy and pass through a fine sieve.

Return the soup to the pan and bring to a simmer. Add the cream and season with salt and pepper. Serve in warm bowls and garnish with celery hearts and ground nutmeg.

I served with another garnish. In a small bowl, mix dill, cilantro, green onions, lemon juice, salt and pepper. Sprinkle with this green mixture and pistachios.

Recipe comes from "Soup" by Derek Bissennette

November 19, 2018

Mushroom and Farro Soup

Yield 4

2 tablespoons olive oil
1 yellow onion, chopped
3 carrots, sliced
3 stalks celery, sliced
2 cloves garlic, chopped
1 lb mixed mushrooms (such as oyster, shiitake, and cremini), sliced (I use 10oz mushrooms)
¾ teaspoon kosher salt, divided
½ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper, divided
¾ cup pearled farro
1 teaspoon chopped fresh rosemary, plus leaves for serving  (I did not use)
½ cup dry white wine
5 cups low-sodium vegetable broth

Heat oil in a large, heavy-bottomed pot or Dutch oven over medium-high. Add onion, carrots, and celery and cook, stirring often, until softened, about 5 minutes. Add garlic and cook, stirring constantly, until fragrant, about 1 minute.

Add mushrooms, ½ teaspoon salt, and ¼ teaspoon pepper; cook, stirring often, until vegetables are tender and browned, 7 to 8 minutes.

Stir in farro and chopped rosemary; cook, stirring constantly, until mixture is toasted and fragrant, about 2 minutes. Stir in wine and cook, stirring constantly, until wine has almost evaporated, 1 to 2 minutes. Stir in broth and remaining ¼ teaspoon each salt and pepper.

Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low, and simmer, stirring occasionally, until farro is tender, 14 to 16 minutes. Serve topped with rosemary leaves.

Грибной суп с крупой Farro

На 4 порции

2 столовые ложки оливкового масла
1 головка лука, мелко нарезанного
3 моркови, нарезанные на искосяк на средние куски
3 стебля сельдерея, нарезанные на искосяк на средние куски
2 зубчика чеснока, меко нарезанного
450 грамм  свежих грибов, нарезанных на средние куски (я использовала 300 грамм грибов)
¾ чайная ложка кошерной соли
½ чайной ложки свежего молотого черного перца
¾ чашки крупы Farro
1 чайная ложка нарезанного свежего розмарина, плюс листья для подач (я не использовала)
½ чашки сухого белого вина
5 чашек овощного бульона

Нагреть масло в большой, с тяжелым дном кастрюле на среднем уровне. Добавить лук, морковь и сельдерей и тушить, часто помешивая, до размягчения, около 5 минут. Добавить чеснок и продолжать тушить, постоянно помешивая, около 1 минуты.

Добавить грибы, ½ чайной ложки соли и ¼ чайной ложки перца; тушить, часто помешивая, пока овощи не станут мягкими и грибы коричневыми, от 7 до 8 минут.

Всыпать крупу Farro и нарезанный розмарин; варить, постоянно помешивая, пока смесь не поджарится и станет ароматной, около 2 минут. Добавить вино и варить, постоянно помешивая, пока алкоголь не испарится, от 1 до 2 минут. Влить бульон и добавить оставшиеся ¼ чайной ложки каждой соли и перца.

Довести суп  до кипения, уменьшить огонь до минимума и варить, периодически помешивая, пока Farro станет мягким, от 14 до 16 минут. Подавать с листьями розмарина.

Recipe comes from Real Simple

October 16, 2018

Curry Apple Carrot Soup

Serving Size: 4
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 onion
6 medium size carrots
2 medium size apples
3 medium size potatoes
1 teaspoon curry
Salt and pepper to taste
1 cup of heavy whipping cream (milk for a lighter version)
 3 and 1/2 cups vegetable broth
1 tablespoon lemon juice

Heat oil in a large saucepan or medium soup pot over medium heat. Stir in onion and lightly sprinkle with salt; sauté until the onion is softened and translucent, 8 to 12 minutes; do not brown.

While onions sauté, wash and peel carrots, potatoes, and apples. Cut into small pieces. Add carrots, apples and potatoes to the pot, stir into curry. Stir well over medium heat for 2 minutes, then add broth and salt.

Bring the mixture to a low boil, then reduce the heat to low. Cover and simmer until the carrots and apples are tender, 20 to 25 minutes.

Using emersion mixer, puree the soup, add cream and lemon juice. Simmer for 3-4 minutes. Check for salt and pepper, add if you need. I added chopped parsley, dill and sunflower seeds for decoration.

Пряной яблочно-морковный суп

На 4 порции

1 столовая ложка растительного масла
1 лук
6 морковок среднего размера
2 яблока среднего размера
3 картофелины среднего размера
1 чайная ложка карри
Соль и перец по вкусу
1 стакан сливок (молоко для облегченной версии)
3 и 1/2 чашки овощного бульона
1 столовая ложка лимонного сока

Нагреть масло в большой суповой кастрюле. Добавить лук и слегка посыпать солью; тушить до тех пор, пока лук не стане мягким и полупрозрачным, от 8 до 12 минут; не зажаривать лук до коричневого цвета.

В то время как лук тушится, помыть и очистить морковь, картофель и яблоки. Разрезать на мелкие кусочки. Добавить в кастрюлю морковь, яблоки и картофель, перемешать и всыпать порошок карри. Медленно перемешивеь на среднем огне в течение 2 минут, затем добавить бульон и соль.

Довести смесь до кипения, затем уменьшить огонь до минимума. Накрыть крышкой и варить, пока морковь, яблоки и кратофель не станут мягкими, от 20 до 25 минут.

Вертикальным миксером превратить суп в пюре, добавить сливки и лимонный сок. Варить на медленном огне 3-4 минуты. Проверить или нухно добавить соль и перец. Добавить, если нужно. Подавать теплым.

October 02, 2018

Italian Vegetable Barley Soup

Serves 8

1 cup pearled barley (I used 1/2 cup quick barley and skipped first paragraph of the recipe)
3 tablespoons olive oil
1 medium onion, finely chopped
2 stalks celery, finely chopped
3 medium carrots, finely chopped
1 red, yellow or orange bell pepper, chopped
1 small zucchini, diced
1 small yellow squash, diced
1 bag (10-ounce) angel hair coleslaw (or approximately 3 cups finely shredded cabbage)
3 cloves garlic, chopped
6 cups vegetable, chicken or beef broth (or more if needed)
2 cups tomato or vegetable juice
1 can (14.5-ounce) petite diced tomatoes
2 tablespoons Italian seasoning
1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley
Freshly ground black pepper, to taste

Bring a saucepan of water to a boil.  Add 1 teaspoon salt to the water, add the barley and boil until the barley is tender but still al dente.  Drain through a sieve and set aside.

Heat olive oil over medium-high heat in a Dutch oven or large pot.  Add the onion, reduce heat to medium and cook, stirring often 5-6 minutes or until onion begins to soften.  Add the celery and carrots and cook another 5-6 minutes.  Add bell pepper and cook 2 minutes,

Add zucchini, yellow squash, coleslaw mix, garlic, broth, juice, tomatoes and Italian seasoning (I added quick barley at this point).  Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low, cover slightly and simmer until vegetables are tender, approximately 25-30 minutes.  Add the barley, parsley and salt and pepper to taste.  Adjust seasoning as desired. I served with a dollop of sour cream. 

Recipe comes from From a chef's kitchen

September 01, 2018

Vegetable Soup With Pearl Couscous and Salmon

Yield 4

2 tablespoons olive oil
1 medium leek, white part only, thinly sliced
1 small bulb fennel, sliced
3 garlic cloves, sliced
½ teaspoon kosher salt
¼ teaspoon ground turmeric
4 cups vegetable broth  (I added 1 more cup of water)
½ cup pearl couscous
16 ounces skinless salmon fillets
1 cup halved cherry tomatoes (I used 1/2 cup halved cherry tomatoes and 1/2 cup potatoes, cut into medium chunks)
3 tablespoons chopped fresh dill

Heat the oil in a large saucepan over medium-high.

Add the leek and fennel and cook, stirring occasionally, until lightly browned, 4 to 5 minutes. Add the garlic, salt, and turmeric and cook, stirring, 1 minute. Add the broth and bring to a boil.
Add the couscous; reduce heat to medium-low and simmer, 5 minutes. Add the salmon and tomatoes and cook, stirring gently, until the salmon is cooked through, 8 to 10 minutes.
Break the salmon into pieces and serve the soup topped with the dill.

Овощной суп с израильским кускусом и лососем

На 4 порции

2 столовые ложки оливкового масла
1 средний лук-порей, только белая часть, нарезанный на тонкие кольца
1 маленькaя луковица фенхеля, нарезанная на тонкие кольца
3 зубчика чеснока, мелко нарезанные
½ чайной ложки кошерной соли
¼ чайной ложки молотой куркумы
4 чашки овощного бульона (Я добавила еще 1 чашку воды)
½ стакана израильского кус-куса
500 грамм филе лосося без кожи
1 чашка помидоров черри, порезанных пополам (я использовала 1/2 чашки помидоров черри и 1/2 чашки картофеля, разрезанного на средние куски)
3 столовые ложки нарезанного свежего укропа

Нагреть масло в большой кастрюле на среднем уровне.

Добавить лук-порей и фенхель и жарить, периодически помешивая, от 4 до 5 минут. Добавить чеснок, соль и куркуму и продолжать тушить, помешивая, 1 минуту. Влить бульон и довести до кипения.

Добавить кускус и уменьшить огонь  и тушить еще 5 минут. Добавить лосось и помидоры и варить, осторожно помешивая, пока лосось не будет приготовлен, около 8-10 минут.
Прямо в кастрюле вилкой разрежьте лосось на куски и подайте суп с укропом.

Recipe comes Real Simple magazine