February 06, 2014

Egg salad sandwich everyone loves

Egg salad sandwich everyone loves

Makes enough for 4 sandwiches

6 large eggs
1/4 cup mayonaise
2 tablespoon chopped scallions or shallots
2 tablespoons chopped flat-leadf parsley
Salt and ground black pepper
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 to 2 tespoons Dijon mustard
1/2 teaspoon Hungarian sweet paprika
8 slices Whole Wheat or Multi-grain Sandwich Bread
1 small bunch watercress or baby arugula, rinsed, dried and stemmed or 1 generous cup shredded lettuce

Quick changes

Replace the paprika with 2 teaspoons curry powder, a popular seasoning for egg salad
Ig you want some crunch, add 1/2 cup finely diced riv of selery, or some choppe toasted walnuts or pecans.

To cook the eggs, put tham in a saucepan where they'll fit in a single layer and cover them by several inches of cold water. Place on medium heat and bring to a full rolling boil. Set times and cook the eggs for exactly 5 minuts, so that the very centers of the yolks are still slighly soft. Put a bowl in the sink and use a slotted spoon to transfer the eggs to the bowl. Let cold water run over the eggs as you use the back of the spoon to gently smash the shell of each one in several places, then add about 2 cups of ice cubes and enough water to cover eggs in a bowl.

Remove and peel the eggs one at a time and set aside. Rinse the peeled eggs under running water and return them to the bowl of ice water until they are full cold. Transfer to a dry bowl, cover with plastic wrap, and refrigirate until needed.

When you're ready to make salad, whish together the mayonnaise, scallions, parsley, salt, pepper, lemon juice, mustard, and paprika in a medium mixing bowl. Coarsely chop the eggs and add to the bowl, then gently fold everything together.

Divide the salad evenly among 4 of the slices of bread, spreading it flat. Then top with the green and tomato slices (optional) Cover with remaining bread and cut in half.

Бутерброд с яичным салатом

на 4 порции

6 яиц
1/4 чашки майонеза
2 столовые ложки мелко нарезанного зеленого лука
2 столовые ложки мелко нарезанной петрушки
соль и черный перец по вкусу
1 столовая ложка лимонного сока
1 или 2 чайные ложки Dijon горчицы
1/2 чайной ложки венгерской паприки
8 кусков хлеба, желательно испеченньго из раный сортов пшеницы
1 чашки свежей зелени.

Положить яйца в кастрюлю, залить холодной водой, довести до кипения и кипатить 5 минут.
Снать с огня и поставить под холодную воду. Подержать несколько минут. Вынуть яйца, дать им остыть. Почистить яйца от скорлупы, мелко нарезать, добавить майонез, зленый лук, петрушку, соль, перец, лимонный сок, горчицу и венгерскую паприку.

Нарезать хлеб, положить предварительно помытую о посушенную зелень на хлеб, выложить яичную массу  и накрыть сверху еше одним куском хлеба. Рзрезать пополам и подать на стол.

Recipe came from Nick Malgieri's Bread

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