I have just finished an article about 2 new and quite good cooking books. One of them is "The Whole Food Kosher Kitchen" by Levana Kirschenbaum. The first recipe I decided to try is a Quick Salmon Mousse. It's absolutely delicious appetizer and goes along with matzos very well.
About my article... It's for Russian-speaking readers. It's going to be publsihed on my website www.allastar.net and several Russian newspapers. I really want Russian people to know about new and, specially important, healthy ideas in Jewish cooking.
Quick Salmon Mousse
1 (15 oz) can red or pink salmon, 1 envelope unflavored gelatin, 1/2 cup boiling water, 1 small bunch dill, juice and grated zest of one lemon, 1 small onion, 1 cup dairy-free cream cheese (I took regular cream cheese), 1 tablespoon paprika, pinch cayenne, pinch nutmeg, ground pepper to taste, 1/4 cup very thinly sliced chives (I did not take it)
Pour the liquid from the salmon can in a bowl and stir in the gelatin. Let the mixture stand a few minutes, then stir in the boiling water, mixing thoroughly. Reserve the mixture. Place salmon and all remaining ingredients except chives in a food processor, and process until perfectly smooth. Add the reserved gelatin mixture and process a full minute, scraping the sides of the bowl to ensure everything is combined. Stir in the chives with a spoon. Pour the mixture in a bowl or loaf pan and refrigerate a few hours, until the mixture is set. Serve chilled. Makes a dozen servings.

Быстрый мусс из консервированного лосося.
1 (15 оz.) банка консервированното лосося (canned red or pink salmon), 1 пакетик желатина, 1/2 чашки горячей кипяченной воды, 1 небольшой пучок укропа, сок и лимонная цедра одного лимона, 1 небольшая луковица, 1 пачка (8 oz.) сливочного сыра (cream cheese), 1 столовая ложка паприки (paprika), щепотка натертого мускатного ореха (nutmeg), черный молотый перец по вкусу.
Отцедить жидкость из банки консервированного лосося. Добавить желатин и перемешать. Дать постоять смеси несколько минут и добавить горячую воду.
Положить все остальные ингридиенты в чашку кухонного комбайна (food processor) и размельчить до образования однородной смеси. Добавить жидкость с желатином в чашку кухонного комбайна и провернуть в течении 30 секунд. Вылить в посуду и поставить в холодильник на несколько часов.
Recipe from Levana Kirschenbaum "The Whole Food Kosher Kitchen"
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